Laying Comp 3 - Week 4 results

Here are the results after round 4.

We now have a clear leader after Suhlmann had an impressive day out, and a few others stumbled a little.

The best lays of the round were Rosecutter at the odds on quote of $1.70 (earning 58.82 points). The worst results were Blutigeroo and Bel Danoro with plenty of players laying both, but in the washup they both won justifing their shortish quotes.

Next week five lays will be required. As usual I will post up a thread Thursday evening.



After week 4-

328.05 suhlmann
255.64 Sinatra
244.67 Northbouy
209.17 Budda
183.65 mitch_006
183.54 trackside
183.35 Bluboy
169.09 trevelma
164.41 Torpedo Punt
161.70 vintage 35
160.76 goodpunteroutaluck
155.17 jet
127.42 The Mighty Quinn
110.20 lance barnard
107.47 squid69
91.50 della
80.62 Todman
79.43 Boxcar
62.77 benny_g
56.25 laminate
15.25 Mr Lister

eliminated week 3 turleytime
eliminated week 3 fatjack
eliminated week 3 freeze33
eliminated week 3 Ron Rat
eliminated week 2 Sableroan
eliminated week 2 shoutme1
eliminated week 2 Dagz
eliminated week 2 hareeba
eliminated week 1 MediaCentral
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That was all a little bit easy.

Well done to all.


Thanks for your reply Northbouy - most considerate and appreciated, and so is your efforts in running this comp.

I have made my protest over the scoring system and will get on with business.

I will continue to participate and wish everyone the best.


from 10 races Lance has layed 4 winners at a combined price of nearly $30 - if he was bookie he would be struggling.

If I layed my 10 horses I would be well in front because I would have pocketed the money every time.

How he can possibly be in front of me is ridiculous.

The scoring system is plain rubbish.

I appreciate this is just a fun comp but really it needs to be looked at.

Hope you take this constuctively as it is meant.

I appreciate I am tipping some long price selections but nevertheless they are getting beaten which is the prime objective with laying horses.


Morning all,

The comp isn't about laying horses and making money Mr Della. It's about seeing who can succesfully lay the most short priced horses and thus earn the best score. It wasn't meant to be as easy as picking 100-1 shots each week. You obviously either didn't read the rules when it started or you just plain didn't understand them. Your comments are what is ridiculous.


Yes - I read the rules and yes I will abide by them, however they are not set up to identify the best layer - the points system is flawed.

That is the point I am making here.

If somebody is selecting a horse at $5 and it loses they receive 20 points 100/5, in other words they would have risked $80 to win $20.

Therefore if the horse wins they should receive -80 points (the amount they would have lost) not -20. This system therefore rewards those that successfully lay short priced horses whilst severly handicapping those that lay longer priced winners.

If I select a $100 shot next week and it wins I will easily remain in this comp and personally I think that is unfair to everyone.

Next week I will post 2 lots of selections -

Set A will be my real selections based on horses I think cannot win there selected race.

Set B will be my selections which will start short and if they lose therefore give me plenty of points -


Please dont take this the wrong way, I am not attacking you by replying but this is my view on the comp.

Firstly what you say is exactly correct IF we were bookmakers laying horse but we are not. This competition doesn't use money, it uses points. We are just trying to pick short priced loses. You have been trying to pick long priced losers... thats why you are not leading the comp.

As for the comp, personally whether or not I win or lose doesn't come into it for me. I like seeing which horses other punters think are worth a lay (just the same as I read Laminates tipping thread to see which horses people think have a chance). The competion side of it is just a bit of fun to see how well people can do it and basically to get other people opinions. By the end of the comp I have a fair ideas who's opinions (lays) I should take notice.

Next week you may submit two lots of lays if you want but please just tell me which ones you want me to score and which ones to ignore. Enjoy.

As always thank go to everyone who is in the comp. Its a small task in compiling the scores but I appreciate seeing others opinions all the same.



Well handled N.B!


Couldnt agree more with Mr Lister spot on the mark.

IN defence of the scoring system, it is entirely fair & appropriate. Big points gain (or loss) for taking on hot pots & little reward (or penalty) for choosing longer priced horses. Besides, the rules were known (or should have been) by all entrants.

Della, you obviously were unaware of them upon entry.

The winner of the Laying Comp 1, did so by mainly picking longshots until all other contestants crashed & burned. The rules were changed & are now most supportive of the term "laying" in my opinion.

and youre still in the comp Lance??? - in fact ahead of me and I dont think any of mine have even run into the placings - must be a great scoring system.

"in fact ahead of me and I dont think any of mine have even run into the placings - must be a great scoring system."

lol Della. It is simple mathematics.

Torp is exactly correct. You sure lay some long price ones. Here is a listing of your lays and for the record you have had a placing. Noreil ran 3rd (but then again it wasn't 100 to 1 like some of your others).

Week Points Race Horse Name Price
1 2.21 SR8 1 Philolaos 45.30
2 3.04 AR3 17 Jaadanz 32.90
2 3.40 MR7 2 Don Raphael 29.40
3 2.23 PR6 2 Eutri 44.80
3 21.74 SR7 6 Noriel 4.60(3rd)
3 34.48 PR5 4 Belle Bizarre 2.90
4 0.48 PR8 12 Nurse Weona 210.30
4 0.59 PR6 10 Salvic 170.00
4 0.60 PR7 10 Lord Spice 166.90
4 22.73 PR2 14 St Magnus 4.40

Your gonna need to be a little braver Della if ya wanna climb the greasy pole which is laying me thinks..


At last I think I have found a way to win on the punt - try to find a horse that won't win and then back it like a good thing.

The past 2 weeks I've found the following lays which ended up winning:

Trinity Song $11.50
Bluetigeroo $5.10
Minson $4.10
Vicello $8.50

Stay tuned for next week. I could be onto something very big here.


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