A touch of CLASS

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read and so true
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Can you think of a reason for not sharing this? .........Neither could I.

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Always wondered where I got the bulging eyes and rubbery lips from. About time you showed your face dad. Wot wif me big ears n' all I was mortified that I might be one of the rabbit family for a while. Wot a releaf.

Last time I could afford to go there was when Fraar won the Caulfield Cup.


Defending simplistic nonsense is obviously difficult but at least try and show a little fortitude in the face of adversity Maccamax. Some of us read many other forums so we know what we're dealing with. I'm not sure what your strength is but economics certainly ain't one of them.

Nice cast - caught a few lurking about.

lol .. Nice to know we gain by giving .
As a person running a community Title Complex I wondered why I had to go to the bottom of my quotes to get a cleaner into my Villa ...$40 an hour the cheapest and a terrible job done.
Can't get anyone to cut a bit of lawn / Hedge and paint 15x3 ft of lattice at $200 a day...All tools/ materials supplied.
Quotes $20000 - $30000 to paint 10 brick Villas with tile roof , colourbond guttering/fascia.
Am I out of touch with inflation or am I closer in saying we are lazy Bathplugs in the main who need to fly in workers from abroad.

As for $40 an hr being cheapest, and a terrible job,, pay peanuts get monkeys. Try that mirror again

Amajeel + Geelong ... Like yr posts .
can either of you lend me $100 till I get my memory back.
Tickling 80 Y/o and the old bones don't let me do a lot but would have at least done the job properly. At $40 an hour u don't think your getting monkeys .
Some good grandad advice I give all is don't touch Community Title living ... Open to Management and trades profiteering and now the Legal profession are mushrooming to encourage Owners to resist by-laws ...

cut it, clean it ,paint it yourself, then there will be no need to look in the mirror and say bathplug

Easy really

Speaking of brothels - I'm pretty sure 'A Touch of Class' was the name of a brothel in the Cross or St Kilda, maybe both, years ago (yes I admit it, I read the Melb Sun and my mate's Daily Bellylaugh back in the dark ages). I'm also certain that those premises had more integrity and honesty that the 5 sentences apparently so highly valued by Maccamax.

Geelong ..
Can't help where you were conceived so won't hold that against you but I did see merit in the 5 lines that were part of an e- mail expressing humour.
Touch Of Class those 5 lines aye.

'A Touch Of Class' Reminds me of Benny Hill's Chinese Cook skit.

'I have a big brothel in Hong Kong'
Interviewer: 'A big brothel?'
'Yes...and a riddle sister'


Cured my constipation.


Rule by Rentiers


A rather primitive analysis, based on the quaint notion that the rich always work for their money.

Rentier capitalism is a term used in Marxism and sociology which refers to a type of capitalism where a large amount of profit-income generated takes the form of property income, received as interest, intellectual property rights, rents, dividends, fees, or capital gains.
The beneficiaries of rentier capitalism are a property-owning social class that play no productive role in the economy per se, but who monopolize the access to physical or financial assets and technologies. They can make money not from producing goods or services themselves, but purely from their ownership of property or investments (which provide a claim to a revenue stream) and dealing in that property.


Send it to the Countries of



Spain etc


Actually, maccamax, while talk-back radio hosts and their disciples like to worry themselves about dole-bludgers, serious economic studies have found that the money that is given to them tends to go straight back into the community because they spend everything they're given, so the money isn't going into some kind of black hole, never to be seen again. You also go down a pretty dodgy road if you take the view that nothing needs to be done and you don't need to pay for anything. Did you see the story on ABC earlier in the week about the terrible state of the roads between the mining towns in Queensland. Absolute death trap. But, you know, you can't expect big mining companies to pay a bit more and fix a thing like that, can you?

Simplistic twaddle. What inferences do you want us to draw?

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