Are You There LostaClue?


I was saddened to learn LostaClue had gone.

He is uninformed, vague, confused and full of his own importance.

Maybe I'm not so sad after all.

Are we to believe we will no longer read:

Kingston Town couldn't win at Caulfield - Purple doesn't get a mile and a half - Nine year olds don't win Group one races - Carlton are certainties to make the eight - Cadel Evans isn't an elite athlete.

I hope not.

Some say it’s to do with the degeneration of the site. I think it's more to do with his falling out with nearly everyone on the site.

He never changed his style or trawled for filth or pandered or commented on everything or started another identity because one wasn’t enough, though if he could have worked out how to do these things, there's no doubt he would have.

It’s a free site, there’s no entry test. All you need to declare is ‘I’m worthy’ and the job’s done. You can say it with a copy of Tolstoy's Crime And Punishment in one hand and a glass of red in the other; you can say it with a smoke in your gob; you can say it if you have an axe to grind and you hate the world because you never quite made the grade and someone’s got to pay.

The LostaClue avatar meant something. If it was a long contribution it was time to put on your pyjamas and kiss the missus goodnight as there was no way you'd make it even half way through without falling asleep.

If you woke me out of a dead sleep in the wee small hours and insisted I name my favourite poster on this site, I would probably punch you in the nose for waking me up in the wee small hours to ask me a dumb question.

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Wow,I hadn't read this thread until now.Didn't know what I was missing out on.Laughed so long it was good therapy.Talking of therapy it would seem sales of lithium and Prozac are set to soar.The sad part is that I can find all those tranquil locations spoken so vitriolically of, right here across the bay at North Stradbroke island.And, I can do this every day of the week. LOL The Pig.

Yes Piggy, Lister is presently receiving his treatment but I think the prognosis is not good. The poor chap has been deluded for some time now, lapsing from thinking first of all he is some kind of fireman to then thinking he is at the races with his friends, whilst all the time hammering out posts to this forum.

I guess if there is any success in his treatment then Tufnel may well be next. The poor dunce thinks he is a schoolteacher and that thought pattern makes him a professional person. Add to that a tendency to talk about nothing but himself, then this would be the challenge of the millenium to get him back.

In any event, he is amongst friends with Tiggerish, Weight Special, Camel and Lister all in near proximity.

Strewth! Maybe I was correct after all. He never came back from the treatment. Poor Pinhead, he suffered the same fate. Be careful Tufnel, that ward is not safe!

A bit of inside information there Gladys?

First hand advice is always better.

Isn't it rather odd that Lister shuffles off the forum on 2nd April for a six months intensive treatment and immediately a poster called Brainiac appears who posts almost as much as the departed one. Funny, he never posted before 2nd April.

I thought it was just Pinhead and his alias Puddinghead were the only ones doing that!

Very interesting.

I post almost as much as someone else, therefore I am.

What logic.

Good work Sherlock.

Back to the ward for you.

You were easy to detect, Lister.

The giveaway clues are that you are incapable of staying away from blathering on this forum and secondly the absolute self serving tripe that you post.

At least Pinhead with his alias is a little bit different in the posts, same drivel, but a bit different.

Could the difference be ,because the person/poster is also different

Gladys, the forums self-anointed PhD in Stupidity.

How many times does it have to be said that Pinkline Jones and I are not the same poster?

I understand how this simple concept may puzzle you though. After all, such a simpleton did in fact, confuse laying 5 winners with turning a profit.

What next? Will you be doing your Masters in Buffoonery?




You've hopped on the bus to Bondi sir.

It's not going where I am.

I am brainiac. I took on superman.

Blathering is what you are doing.

You are wrong. I have no idea what you are blathering about.

I just spent last year in se Asia and I think Lister has a nice list , also as pointed out it's not all about beaches , for me food Thailand , people Cambodia , beaches Vietnam but I don't have a bad word for any countries in the region had a great time in them all.

Ws you will be able to go on another 2 week holiday to Krabi and get get another day pass to spar your mate the world champ.

Just set the alarm for 6.45am tomorrow because I am reliably informed that this is the optimum time when 'expert' (sic) online punters check track conditions on which horses they haven't got the guts to tip will be racing on six to eleven hours later.

.....not they'll be trawling the forum at such a godless hour looking for contrary opinions to spew their ineffectual pointless bile over purely because they have such dead end lives.

No, not at all.

Nige ;-)

P.S. And I'm so inhibited and intimidated by the 'stick' I've been copping from the 'expert' layers on this forum (in particular Mrs 'Five Out Of Six Totally Incorrect Lays' last Spring) that my confidence is totally shot and I May Never Tip Again.

Still thinking of me before you go to bed Tufnel?

Cheers mate looking forward to it.

Good to hear MD.We're heading there later in the year for the first time.Any recommendations?

Yala national park.


Yep Yala is fantastic for wildlife - highest concentration of leopards in the world.

Amongst a myriad of great places, probably our favourite was The Last House, so called because it was renowned architect Geoffrey Bawa's last design. It's just outside a town called Tangalle which has some good beaches and has become well known for whale shark watching and diving. There's only 5 or 6 rooms in TLH and you really are treated like royalty. It's in a beautiful location with a lovely beach through the back gate where you can walk down in the mornings with the chef and see what the local fishermen have caught for lunch that day.

We did the cultural/historical areas in the middle of the country first - Sigiriya, Polonnaruwa, etc - all of which are incredible and not to be missed, but it was really hot and there were some pretty tough days, so The Last House was like heaven. If you are doing those areas, we'd definitely recommend staying at Vil Uyana - great to come back to after a busy day's trekking around.

There are over 20 Thai islands with rooms and only the top 5 or 6 have been ruined. Still some real gems if u look.

Myanmar is the next big thing for islands. Heaps of islands there but hardly any resorts and little transport. Next 5 to 10 yrs this could be the place to go.

Gladys and Lostclarity, what a combination.

The Kenneth and Gloria Copeland of R&S forum.

LOL Tiger,
Yes, they're a pair well matched.

Some people don't even know when they are being fed hand to mouth.

But wait, there is more. If you were still on your way home at 7pm, where were you posting from at 6p.m. and 6.40p.m. or more importantly, why?

Well I'll be. It seems there is also another one at 6.40pm. Sounds like your mates really enjoy having you around for a beer or two after the last.

Y9our keyboard must be close to melting.

Lister, if you were having such a great time on Saturday at the members with your adoring fan club, why were you posting on here at not only 7pm but also at 6pm. What drove you to leave your mates and start belting out some drivel about the trifecta being the same as the Oakleigh Plate.

Perhaps they were reliving your magnificent sporting career and being the modest person that you are, you felt the need to go off quietly and get on to all your cyber mates here at the forum.

What an odd little banana you are.

"What is really interesting though, is at 7pm I was on my way out to dinner with Hondo"

And by 7.45 that dinner date was going so well you had time to sign into R&S to post a comment.

What were you saying about having nothing better to do with one's time?

Jesus, Gladys, you've got them all up and dancing. Mr Mogadon is an omission, but his card has been empty for a while.

No awards for you here. Let's see, the endlessly self-concentrated Tufnel, academically ungifted despite an outing twice a year with his university mates; the elaborately detailed Lister who is a reference book, so he doesn't get taken out. The family disappears quietly without him when eating out because they prefer the rattle of cutlery; and Chivas, the site's great spaghetti tangle of bile. Throw in Tigerrish, the one I haven't blocked because he Gillivers himself to the ground only every time he speaks, and you have it: The answer is endless whiskey if you get caught in the vortex.

Perhaps in the next holidays, I will release the other four into a hiding before putting them away again. Lame-ducking is fun but only for a day or a week.

Nice to hear from you Losta. I am so happy I amused you. It is fun giving dunderheads like Tufnel and Lister a thrashing although I must admit it certainly is no challenge.

You realise we could get locked up for doing it to them, Gladys.

Who said he was dead?

I think that your mouth or your stupid comments might have you working for many more years, Tufnel.

What was that song, I think it was by the Cruel Sea.

Corby interview lol

Gladys is an eye dee eye oh tee and everybody on this forum knows it.

The Corby family are a bunch of no-hoper bogans containing a number of convicted felons.

Channel 7 is a morally decrepit organisation prepared to gratify these dropkicks with a chequebook in the pursuit of ratings. The fact that their tatty current affairs program was flogged in the ratings only goes to prove that most of this country with an Intelligence Quotient above that of Forrest Gump is no longer interested in their pathetic tale of idiocy.

There will be no Schapelle Corby interview while she has to live on Indonesian territory. She is clearly not brave enough or mentally willing or capable of doing so of her own volition. Her sister is clearly not much smarter - and she hasn't been to jail - yet.

Now I see why Glad Bag is so enthralled by them. Like types attract.


There is no such thing as a felon in Australia, Tufnel. You cannot be convicted of perjury if you don't give evidence under oath. Unless you know the family personally you are only quoting what you read in the newspaper that you found in the dunny you clean.

You are a total ignoramus. Perhaps you might like to read about defamation, but in your case it would not matter. Perhaps you could get someone that can read to look up "man of straw" in a legal dictionary for you.

Interesting points Gladys.

Let's talk about a man pretending to be a woman pretending to know everything. On an anonymous Internet forum. That's interesting too.

What's even more interesting is that you were here at 3pm, in the middle of the day on a Saturday with precious little else to do.

Excellent observations Lister.

Yes Lister, 3pm on a Saturday with TVN on and the computer going. In between races and having a look at some of the tripe written by your boofhead janitor mate.

What is really interesting though, is at 7pm I was on my way out to dinner with Hondo after a successful day on the horses. What was the phony fireman doing at that time, one may ask.
Well unfortunately, even though he has the perfect job, perfect family, perfect house, he had nothing better to do than to read my posts.

Thank you so much for the compliment and it is nice to know I fill such a void in your world of make believe.

On my way home from the track with a smile on my face.

Yep, at 7pm I was on my way home thinking about the smashing day I had in the members at Flemington with some old cricket mates. I took a moment to mock you Gladys, then I started thinking about how I would be spending the evening and the rest of the long weekend with my family. Then I thought about my great job and the conditions afforded me by my forefathers who through the labor movement fought hard battles to attain. Specifically the 4 weeks annual leave I was commencing, and how on Wednesday I'm boarding a plane with two mates for a surfing trip to Indonesia before meeting up with my beautiful wife and kids in Bangkok for 10 days in the island paradise Ko Samui.

I'm glad you had a good day sitting on your fat backside with square eyes watching tv while Colonel Klink was sitting on your shoulder telling you about the other voices inside your head.

Lister, Samui hasnt been paradise for about 20 yrs. Its an overdeveloped tourist trap with awful Thai food. Full of bogans and chavs like Bali and Phuket.

What does your family and so called old cricket buddies say about the amount of time you spend on this forum Lister? Do they know. Probably not, because they just don't exist do they?

As for Tufnel, it is a bit scary that he seems to be thinking about me late and night and can't resist the urge to post something.

Lister and Tufnel, two very odd little bananas.

Why do you doubt those that have a happy existence Gladys?

Are you so unimpressed with living in your own skin that you gain comfort and escape from a mundane life from your exploits on this forum?

People like tufnel and myself live bright content lives and we are more than happy to discuss a range of topical matters and share bits and pieces about our lives and families on this forum. It's a bit of fun and an enjoyable forum for the most part.

Even when nit wits like you chime in from time to time.

One things certain, I'm gonna have a great time in Indonesia and Thailand over the next two weeks.

What are you going to be doing Gladys? Still here probably. Pretending to be a man who pretends to be a woman who thinks he knows everything all the while being lead up the garden path without even knowing.

What a ripping existence that must be.


2 countries in 2 weeks. You will see about 1% of each.

Yes, two countries in two weeks, all without leaving Australia. It will be astral travelling whilst remaining in the ward.

It's like throwing down chicken pellets.


Have to agree with WS on this one. If you want true unspoilt paradise (at the moment anyway) head to Sri Lanka, but do it before it becomes another Bali/Phuket

Cambodia has it too MD.


Pristine beaches in the Gulf of Thailand. Development hasnt caught on. Exactly what Samui use to be like.

This one is more for a break with the family and somewhere good for the kids to start off.

WS, I've been to places in SE Asia you haven't heard of mate so spare me the travel lessons.
It's about family this time, not about writing a Lonely Planet blog.

Samui still offers plenty for families and despite changing a lot over the years I still like it.

Enjoy your tv screen Gladys.

I think that is a good idea naming the different wards after south east Asian locations. Usually they just adopt flora or colours to identify the different areas. The one Lister is going in to seems to have provisions for families to come for extended stays. Hope it all works, he certainly needs it.

Here's a few WS.

If you heard of them or been there well done. You'll probably google them anyway.

Kratie, Kampot, Skuon, Sisophon, Huay Xai, Pakbeng, Paksan, Pakse, Tachilek, Mae Sai, Nong Khai, Pai, Lampang, Udon Thani, Tak.

I will say it's not all about islands and pristine beaches in SE Asia. Landlocked Laos provides some of the most tranquil places on the planet where time just about stands still. It's a bit rugged in places but I'd encourage anyone to go and to get off the beaten track a bit.

See you in a couple of weeks.

It sounds like Landlocked Laos must be the name of his medication.

I thought all that "deep sleep" therapy was outlawed years ago.

I imagine his condition must have been worse than I thought if he is going to be out of it for two weeks whilst time stops still.

Going to Laos makes u captain cook? lol

Laos is firmly on the tourist radar these days and is similar to issan with shared language and food.

Pai is also a backpacker ghetto. Completely fake town with more backpackers than locals.

I dont know why u r pretending to be a travel guru cause u went to Laos once or twice.

I have a friend who lives on the Laos border and he rates Cambodia and Issan more highly than Laos. Laos sounds cool but its not a place people go to 10 times like some other countries. Its a low key place with quiet subtle attractions. I do like some Laos music though.

See u in 6 mths after u have honored your bet welcher.


Name some names then champ.

Thanks for that lovely post Lister. It makes me feel so happy that although you have had a wonderful day with all your mates from your own championship era you took the time for a quiet moment just to post me. I hope that brought your wonderful day to a happy end.

I know you like Tufnel too. He likes to think of me just before he goes to bed and send a post or two at about 10-30pm to 11pm. Probably while he is having his warm milk and pill.

Are you there Hick?

Of course you are! You rarely leave this place! Hour after hour, day after day you're here posting loser after loser! And the forum thanks you for the side splitting laughs it provides! LOL

Good to see Macca dropping in,hope he hangs around a bit. His analysis of all things important and unimportant,right or left, are always intriguing with a bit of wit and humor.

Welcome back Macca.

So sorry to hear of the passing of Losta clue.
I'm sure The Count meant he just wasn't posting.
My first thought was, he had been eaten by a Lion .
Merry Xmas To all , in case I get lost in transit again before Santa comes again.

Apart from a big dose of the sulks, LostaClue is alive and well.
This thread is a send-up of LostaClue's famous 'Are you there mcgarret?' thread of a few years ago.

Pretty sad state of affairs when a dunce like Chivas has to come back on to his own thread to add an addendum to explain his pathetic attempt at humour.

Speaking of humour, any word yet on the Corby interview? LOL

You are just like a parrot, Chivas. Infantile and repetitive. As I said before, this interview will happen. There is an election about to take place and so all the sabre rattling will happen for a few more weeks. The interview will then happen.

In the meantime, you just stick to putting stupid letters at the end of your ridiculous posts to indicate humour, otherwise none of us will get understand that we are supposed to laugh, you dunce.

Just admit it Gladys, you got it hopelessly wrong.
You're a proven goose.

Monaco Consul...


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