Craig Williams

Best jock in Australia - bar none
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Agreed, polished rider who puts in the work and travel so deserves the success. Has that knack of getting on the right horse which helps. Looking forward to see what he does on Southern Speed in the BMW, looks a paceless race there to be stolen.

"Has that knack of getting on the right horse which helps."

Hmmm, doesn't one beget the other? I'd say 'the right horse' has the knack. Who's knack is it anyway?

Yes, and by a big margin!

I'm happy to back Nash and Brown mounts.


If backing a horse outright, jockey doesn't always matter to me.

I tend to be a quaddie punter and in that case I always throw certain jockeys in.

It's Williams in Melbourne.

Like WS it's Rawiller and Brown in Sydney.

Pike and Odonnell in Perth.

If someone is in red hot form they go in as well.

Some blokes just keep riding winners.

I never used to think so, especially after Hayes gave him the ar se. He could ride a broomstick home.

Paddy Payne was underestimated. Didn't he know where the line was.

Didn't you LC.
Are well Hayes has not been near as successful since Williams left as his stable number one, have you noticed that.
Trainers don't carry good jockeys, its the other way round.

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