Cutting edge interviews by B Clark

Did anyone other than me think it was strange that Mark Kavanagh was a little down after the CC? Obviously Bruce Clark from TVN did. He had to ask twice to ensure he was really dissappointed.

Bruce asked was he deflated about the scratching of Maldivian. Surprisingly, Mark Kavanagh said he was. I would have thought Mark would be over the moon that his horse had blood streaming from his neck and just missed out on a few million.

I just can't believe how Mark wasn't just jumping out of his skin with excitement that his horse just sliced his neck open.

Now on a more serious note:

Mark Kavangh showed himself to be the true gentlemen in speaking to Bruce Clark. Most other trainers would have told him to, well you know what.

Why not leave the bloke alone, why seek him out to do an interview.

Last week Bruce interviewed Craig Williams after his ride on Shrewd Rythm and said something like "you must have been happy running eighth". Craig looked at him as though he had recently escaped from the loony centre.

Gee I love sensitive and intelligent interviewers.

Please tell me if I am being too harsh.
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Fat Back Pocket,

Thanks for your response.

1.0 It was very poor judgement by Bruce to seek an interview with Mark Kav.

2.0 Mark Kav was a gentlemen to give him one. Jack Denham probably wouldn't have.

3.0 The only person to hear from after the race would be the jockey who was there (I wouldn't seek him out either) and the steward as Mark Kav was nowhere near the stalls.

3.0 I think TVN provide a good service. I don't believe all its staff are gifted with common sense.



At Royal Ascot this year Bruce Clark watched the Kings Stand Stakes standing next to Lee Freedman rather then Peter Moody or Joe Janiak. On the weekend he again stood side by side to Mark Kavanagh in the mounting yard as it was happening. Why does he always stand next to attention seeking fools??? He won't be standing next to David Hayes during this weekends Cox Plate. He might have Colin Little and Kavanagh either side of him.

In Calling Kavanagh an attention seeking fool i have sadness in seeing Maldivian fall by the wayside but Michael Moroney's reaction to it all was calm. I guess he's naturally animated in his behaviour that gets up my nose from time to time added to the theatre of the Cup.

Cheers Carl

Fat Back Pocket,

Thanks for your input.

Bruce has a duty to use his common sense and leave distressed people alone not use them for attention seeking. It was unncessary and embarassing for Bruce to ask twice how bad he felt. Maybe Bruce didn't listen to him the first time. This duty as a journalist doesn't wash with me. We all have a duty to be sensible even if we work in the media.

It typifies why some people detest or extremely dislike at the very minimum certain people in the media.

As said before, Craig Williams gave him the best look. It was as if Bruce just escaped in the movie "one flew over the cuckoo's nest".



Timesman, I'm not here to debate the respective merits of the questions Bruce asks because I didn't see Saturday's telecast, but I will defend him on the count of at least enquiring as to whether Mark Kavanagh was willing to have a chat after the race.
Once again, these trainers all have the right to refuse the interview.
And imagine if we didn't hear from someone associated with Maldivian after the race.
Next thing you know there would be a thread started up on this website bagging TVN saying they don't service the racing public's needs.

Like Incognito I was interested to see Judy Mawer (I think that's right?) interviewed after the race. (I hope it was long, long, after the race considering...)

Anyway, I thought it was great. Or should I say in keeping with the theme - I thought it was grouse.

When questioned about how she'd be come the first Tuesday in November the reply was fairly swift.

"Excited" perhaps?
"Nervous" maybe?



Unrool mate. Unrool.

To add my 2cents:

B. Clarke = smug

And while I'm at it:

R. Callander: needs to be more respectful in his attitude and a whole lot less convincing in his analysis of races.

Just to change the topic slightly, did anyone see the post final siren interviews after the AFL Grand Final?

Gerard Whateley was on the ground and found an old Geelong bloke (who may have been a trainer or bootstudder) that had been around the club for 50+ years.

The rub was that his wife had passed away two weeks prior so they were looking for a "life's ups and downs" angle.

Anyway, Gerard asked the question "How would she be feeling right now?"

You knew what he meant, but boy it sounded bad.

you're not out of line, Timesman, in fact you're exercising your right as an australian to have a go at anyone remotely classed as "tall poppy". this certainly includes people in the media.

i was really looking forward to some hard hitting and incitefull questions for Master O'Reilly's former trainer, like, "Gee isn't it great watching this horse win a Caulfield Cup for someone else"

of course, she was drunk off her *ss having been given a 10 per cent share and was posed the gem "r u having a good day"

thank god the EI fence/bush was holding her up!

gee i love a success story

Timesman, there were two people everyone wanted to hear from after the race: Dan O'Brien and Mark Kavanagh.
Any journalist would have been derelict in their duty not to at least ask Kavanagh for a quick word.
He could have said no.
Fortunately, though, he said yes and conducted himself with the amount of grace not many would have been able to muster if they were in a similar situation.
I know I certainly wouldn't have come across the way Kavanagh did had I been in his shoes.
He won many fans with his post-race conduct.


I'm not sure if it was deliberate....but that is a wickedly clever subject title.

well done sir...intentionally or otherwise

I believe Giaan Rooney should be walking around in a bikini...that'd give 9 the ratings


Always great to hear from you.

I agree with your comment on Simon, in fact Steve M seems a bright bloke with quality input along with most of the crew.

I know its easy to take pot shots at some of these blokes, but, fair dinkum, Mark K was such a gentlemen when he spoke to B Clark so soon after the CC. He was the real winner in the sporting stakes in my eyes. He seems a real nice bloke.

Its a bit like a funeral, people need a bit of space, leave them alone.

Now, what could have been more useful by Bruce would be a little analysis of the race. Heaven forbid, lets not have that!

Lets have a go,

1.0 Nice time by the winner to break 2.27
2.0 Winner ducked in at about the 250m but still moved away nicely
3.0 Nice run by P Moon, couldn't get clear running but motored to the line, has run 2800m so she be suited by the MC
4.0 MB's run seemed a little below par, lets look at his action (I now read he is lame)
5.0 Other good runs were ......

Now Bruce if you really want to entertain us, lets have some sensible analysis.

If you can't do it, I'm happy to step in for free, for one week.



Some of you blokes won't be happy until we have Laurie Oakes and Michelle Grattan interviewing the trainers and jockeys.

The highlight of the Caulfield Cup coverage (on 9) was the piece they did on BMS. There is an interesting bloke.

No your spot on Timesman.

My policy on TV racing coverage is if they aren't showing horses on the screen they should cut to the beach volley ball at once.

To be fair I reckon Simon OD does a pretty good job at Nine. John O'Shea is nicely understated and talks sense. But the goose who does the roving interviews wants his neck wrung. Not Tony Jones. The other goose.

Kavanagh comes across as a quality person.

Can you imagine if it was O'Shea that Bruce tried to interview?

lol Brad

I certainly have vivid memories of the petulant display from JO'S after last year's CP.

What a class act Mark Kavanagh is - he reminds me of that Rudyard Kipling poem - he deserves all the success he gets.


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