Hi everyone,

Who are we tipping to win the Big race?

I am sticking with Jameka, Caulfield Cup by 3 lengths, good enough for me.
She will be at peak for this and she'll run it right out.


Good luck
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Well done Hands

Well done Hands,
Awesome work.



Well done.

James Mc said that Hartnell "trucked a bit hard" plus the 4 kilo weight pull helped a bit and yes, a great ride.

I spoke to a bookie at Flemgington who said it was 14's into 9's for them and on the race they were $25K down.

Glad you had some luck.



As reported on this site:

MONSUN's record as a Cup winning sire is sensational. Still 1 off the record (POSITANO in the early 20th) but equal with the likes of SIR T & ZABEEL amongst others however the most remarkable aspect of that feat is that its been done in just 4 years!

Yeah Hands,you did the homework and came up with the goods.
Well done.


ALMANDIN for me - cannot believe $17 final field about a horse winning with absolute ease after 2 years off and way down in the weights. Form's been franked since but seems to have been forgotten about. Interesting that he beat Protectionist on that horse's way to Cup victory, same sire. Should eat 2 miles.

What a win, sensational ride K. McEvoy, that was the difference. Smashed HARTNELL to boot.

Wicklow Brave to reign

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