Another pathetic failure by Miss Andretti in an International Group One race. I’m sure Freedman will have excuses again but won’t be able to use the wet track, quick backup or choking down excuses used to explain the Golden Jubilee failure.

After hearing Freedman cast doubts on the strength of sprint racing in Hong Kong in recent weeks I know who will be having the last laugh with Hong Kong trained horses filling the first five placings.
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How is your Kneebone?

I'm just intrigued as to when RVL will launch an investigation into the ownership of MA?

Well said Count - 100% spot on.



Poor run by MA, it was a pity because it would've been great watching these two go hammer and tong. MA is not ordinary just a bad day. Still I can't believe i saw a superstar in the making when she used to run in Perth.

On another note, I can't understand how we let these horses leave our shores; Sacred Kingdom, Silent Witness. Anything wrong there? Or are Hong Kongers better picks of potential?

If only the connections of Omnitrador decided to go over for the sprint. You cant tell me Sacred Kingdom would have mowed him down on his efforts on Saturday. Can't wait for the Lightning in Melbourne.

Lets not get too carried away with the winner he beat a former Sydney class 1 horse (1 win from 8 races against his own age).

I didn't read excuses willow15, I read explanations.

Makybe Diva went to Japan and got towelled by a horse she made mincemeat of here.

Frankly, I was devastated by Miss Andretti's showing. How many times do we see it that horses don't travel well? She was fractious and wide and raced on the wrong leg and ended up being beaten by horses that aren't fit to eat oats out of the same nosebag.

We can't put a cap on her head and read brain patterns. Who would know what else was wrong?

What is clear is that was not the Miss Andretti I know.

Makybe Diva was hammered in Japan and apparently she is god's gift to all racehorses on this planet.

On A Jeune should have towelled her lol!

Now thats saying something!

All of the negative threads and posts regarding Miss Andretti's poor performance seem to be directed more at Lee Freedman than MA.
Some losers jealousy knows no bounds and are using MA as an excuse to do some Freedman bashing.
How pathetic can you guys get ?

Anyone who thinks we saw the real Miss Andretti race yesterday knows absolutely nought about racing and are merely highlighting the fact that they really haven't got a clue.

Well said Count! Some knockers really show a complete lack of common sense or knowledge. If they really judge a horse on individual failures then let them go.
I suppose they regard champion atheletes as failures for one bad game as well? She has proven she can travel and win, sure the backup and track could have been factors in the UK but she still performed well first up.

Best off not even getting into a rediculous discussion about it.
Good old Aussie tall poppy syndrome at work again.....

What is everyones problem.

The horses racing in Australia right now are terrible. Miss Andretti won HOTY and rightfully so, but she is ordinary and it just shows how bad the Aussie racing stock is right now. I have been saying that for ages.

It is no offence, it is just a fact. They are still betting comodities, no matter how poor the quality is. We still bet on Class 1 and the equivilent, class has never stopped us having a bet, and it won't in the future.

Get over it and bet up.



I wont disagree that our current middle distance to 2400m are not as high a quality as some previous years, but to say MA is ordinary is factually incorrect, no even debatable....your a wind up merchant mate, or the most miserable b%$££ard that even drew breath,

cheers mate

Khap - Miss Andretti is ordinary

Lol, I just sit here and shake my head.

Aussie bred horses certainly now how to run fast.

Be happy that Freedman was sprouting off. Without him going on, we would not have got the good price Sacred Kingdom

You did back it didn't you?

Freedman does display some arrogance, however to be so successful (and he is) you need a dash of that.

If you think he hasn't improved her out of sight from WA, your not looking


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