Protest - Help

I had to leave the venue I was at straight after the last race at Caulfield yesterday. I had the D.Double live into Strikeline - saw it get beaten by Solar Antiquity, heard there was a protest but could not see any reason why - Strikeline was ridden right out - didn't appear to be hampered - just looked like it got beaten fair & square.
Very pleasant surprise this morning to see that the protest was upheld. What was the story - any comments please.
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ask plod. he knows all about them. rofl

camel56 is on his way to melbourne.

He backed 3rd place and he is wondering why she wasn't put into 1st place.

Thats makes absolutely no sense like many of your posts IgnoranceFan. What does the protest have to do with me going to melbourne? very odd

I got the tip on Saturday for Solar Antiquity so was rapt when it got up and paid $17.30 the win. I turned the radio off soon after the race and couldn't work out why my TAB account balance was not right.

Reading this thread it sounds like the result was justified but am still miffed that nothing was mentioned by the racecaller as to the interference.


There was a similarly long delay with the protest on the last at Moonee Valley the week before.

Perhaps, it is a new marketing ploy from racing authorities in Victoria? Keep em there longer...

Night Flight

Hi Night Flight,

Maybe this marketing ploy was developed in conjunction with CUB. It seems to be working a treat. Guess what the favourite-backing punters did when the protest was upheld and they collected their winnings?



Sounds like a natural progression was made to a celebratory Crownie or two...

I like this CUB marketing, always thinking...

Night Flight

Well these beer companies are never slow on the uptake, Night Flight. Some of the best marketing brains in the country, to be sure. Here are a few paragraphs from today?s Courier Mail, in relation to the Cowboys match in Townsville:

?Even the war between beer giants Castlemaine Perkins and Carlton and United Breweries failed to erupt with both sides enjoying a lucrative peace.
Castlemaine Perkins had sole rights to sell XXXX at the big match, but Carlton and United Breweries wasn't far behind the action.
Castlemaine had half a dozen key staff on the ground in Townsville about 24 hours after the decision to move to Dairy Farmer was announced last week. CUB came up with its own battle plan, launching an assault on the city itself.
It sold Half Mile Creek wine as well as spirits such as bourbon, vodka and scotch at the stadium on Saturday night.
But perhaps even more money was made in pre-game and post-game drinking in local pubs.
In the past three days, CUB promo girls in key outlets had handed out everything from NRL footballs and NRL tattoos to mini-radios.
A Hermit Park resident with a big screen set up in his back yard also found CUB chipping in. Life-sized cut-outs of players, placards and promotional materials turned the yard into a beer garden.
A CUB spokeswoman said CUB recognised that drinking would not be confined to the 25,000-plus stadium crowd.
"There has been a host of opportunities throughout the town and the region over three or four days," she said. ?

I wonder how many kegs of XXXX they emptied at the ground?


The bar on the Mezzanine shut up shop just as Solar Antiquity & Strikeline bumped for the last time. Where was the beer supposedly still flowing??????

going to melbourne to protest the protest outn the front of the race club.


ummm that doesnt make any sense at all IgnoranceFan, just like many of your posts. Not the best of jokes im afraid but hey, whatever amuses you.

Thanks for the reports - I was glad to collect on the D/Double can't help feeling I was very lucky though. I thought Strikeline had every chance to run down Solar Antiquity - however I won't be giving it back !!!!!!

These protest results are so inconsistent - Do the stewards "toss a coin" or did they back Strikeline. Refer Choisir at Flemington, Viscount in the Cox Plate.

Hi dturner,

I think I must have been the only person on-course who was disappointed when the protest was upheld! I backed Solar Antiquity each way and was looking forward to the $17 dividend to put me in front for the day?

It was one of the longest protests I?ve seen, and took about 30 minutes for a decision. SA started running out from the 250m mark and bumped Strikeline with about 20-50 metres to go. The margin was a short-half head. Strikeline did seem to be closing quite fast, and the bump may have stopped her getting to the front. I thought it could have gone either way, but it was probably fair enough in the end. Here?s an extract from the Stewards Report:

"An objection was lodged by S. Baster, rider of second placegetter Strikeline, against Solarantiquity being declared the winner. After taking evidence from all parties, Stewards upheld the objection, the amended placings being: 1st Strikeline, 2nd Solarantiquity. It was established that passing the 50 metres, Solarantiquity (M. Flaherty) which had been shifting out under pressure, took Strikeline out, then brushed that mare, resulting in Strikeline being hampered. The Stewards notified M. Flaherty that he must stop riding and straighten his mounts when in similar circumstances in future."

The roar from the crowd when the announcement was made was huge. I bet the MRC was happy for all those punters to stay around and keep drinking.


That would be a first at a Melb track..Getting a drink 30 mins after the last!

Saw the head on and Solar Antiquity certainly came out and the two did touch very close to the line.Would have been very interesting in the stewards room,not sure if all would have agreed it cost Strikeline the race.
Does any one know if the jockey of S/Antiquity was suspended or given a caution for not making an effort to keep his mount straight?

No suspension or reprimand according to the official steward's report.

i saw the head on shot only once but it appeared solar antiquity shifted out in turn hampering strikeline with about 50m to go. i was extremely disappointed as i had the double into solar antiquity.

Let it down Baster go gal
lets go Strikeline

what are you doing with your ticket buudy
i wouldnt throw that out
oh yeah why
because there will be a protest and it will be upheld

4 minutes later
what happens
siren sounds
would you please note there has been a protest
second against first alleged interference at the 50m mark

it was time to get paid

i am gifted would you please note
i am in another leauge

$3.90 into $2.90

you certainly are gifted...your the only PROFESSIONAL i know who has survived taking get out stakes the way how much of the $3.90 did you get on the tote?
regards sniper

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