RIP Georgie

The Tutor
George Hanlon passed today, and what a great shame, but what a great life.

He grew up with nothing in a big family and had to work for everything he has - makes you think about everyone who walks around with their hands out today - and made a huge success of his life.

I had a bit to do with him over the years and he was a great trainer and a flint hard man. He was the boss and things were done his way. He was old school.

He had a lot of success and pulled of more than a few coups.

Another racing legend passes on, may he rest in peace.
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Family Of Man one of his very best.

Nice work Tutor

Only one icon left.

Vale Mr Hanlon.


RIP George Hanlon you were top echelon.

But for dubious rides by Harry White and Jim Cassidy he would have trained 5 Melbourne Cup winners.

Eastside you make a good point.
Perhaps its time to wrap Bart in Cotton Wool to extend his lifespan ?

This man will definitely be missed by me if for no other reason than he supplied me with my first big collect in a feature race and my first big collect in a Melbourne Cup.

I good hooked by the exploits of Octagonal throughout the Autumn of his classic year - I was in love with the big black colt in the Cerise.

I got hooked on punting when I threw down my hard earned on Diatribe, a Princely $20 eachway, in his Caulfield Cup - courtesy of the form that he had showed around my beloved Big O. I have seen many great winning rides but few are as good as J.A Cassidy's rails hugging ride from the 600m around The Heath.

It was that very early memory of punting success that led me to include the honest old plugger Mr Prudent in my $6 banker trifecta behind Media Puzzle a couple of years later.

The great man was very good to me and those memories of feature race triumphs will live on long after the money has been spent.

Very sad to hear of one of Melbourne's greatest trainers passing, I remember Piping Lane very well, as he was the first Melbourne Cup winner I ever backed.
I was at boarding school, I had the princely sum of 50c on him at 33/1 with our school bookmaker, the son of a bookmaker, who is now one of Brisbane's biggest bookmaker's.
I was also a very big fan of Family of Man, I thought it was a wonderful name for a racehorse, I wasn't quite so thrilled with the name Diatribe though and could never catch it.
George was Melbourne's almost equivalent of Jack Denham,quiet and unassuming, very sad to have two great Icons pass on within a year of each other.

RIP George you will be missed.

I was in Ireland in 1980 and met a couple from Melbourne at the Irish Derby. They were friends of George. They told me George had a big opinion of a horse in his stable and to follow him in the autumn. The horse was Lawman and I did indeed follow him and duly backed him when he won the Doncaster in 1981.

A great trainer.


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RIP George

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