
Name the person who has had two runners over the last 7 days for 2 winners?

He he :)

He did it again. 5/1 two weekends in a row and knocked off the $1.70 pop two weekends in a row.

Count Chivas: As soon as he put his nose down I thought of you! Blackie is flying!!!
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Hi 7th,

Mate, hope you aren't going to overrace your new champ just to get the 5/1 three weeks in a row ?

You know what happens when trainers overrace horses !!

(all tongue in cheek mate - good luck)


Yeh mate, I agree. 3 weekends in a row will be a task, but I go easy on the fella during the week!
And he won't be 5/1 this weekend I tell ya!

Well done Seventh! Must be a great thrill. How many do you train? I see he is nommed in a race against a nag named Bottle, I'm sure I won a decent amount on him at a provincial meet one Saturday long ago. Was massive odds in a 5 horse field.
Good luck with the picket fence.

7th, we had a rough start I seem to recall. But since then I have realised you do talk some sense at times. I hope you keep winning with Blackie and picking up 5/1 to boot.

You should however listen to what Count Chivas has to say.

He would know how much packing shelves at Woolworths is paid.

Yes nice work Badgster.

LOL at badge, Chivas stick to racing.

Well done!!

I noticed that he's a full brother to the good stayer Midarri Dan and a half brother to the promising jumper Big Noise.

What's next for Blackie?

Good luck in going for the hattrick.


Thankyou Alc.

Might go three weekends in a row and back to Healseville this weekend! See how we go.

A-Grade bozo you are son!

3PM, time to walk the champ!

You keep backing Musket bozo.

I'll keep taking the 5/1 in a field of 4 at Healesville.

Yes Seventh,
Keep taking him back to Healesville and Balnarring, if you do that another 220 times and he wins another 220 times then his prizemoney total will be on par with that 'potato' named Musket. LOL

Count Plod,

Don't suppose you could add a few more 'LOL' fluffer trailers for the benefit of the 'VIP' 0.01% (i.e. of the 99.99% who don't find you remotely amusing)?


You know what Chivas,

I concede, you are correct. I probably could earn more money if I gave the nags away, working fulltime 9-5 at my qualified profession, but you know what. There is nothing better than watching your nag go around while the sun is rising in the background mate.

I have no idea where you live, but get down to your local training centre and watch some trackwork. The urn is always boiling for anyone who attends.

Great stuff.

Oh, and by the way. The only 'bagging' I did of high profile trainers is the ones that in my eyes have not been patient with their horses.

So far this season each horse I mentioned 6 months ago has not won a race or has broken down. Three from Hayes, One of Leon Macdonalds, One of Clinton McDonalds and One of Gai's

I never said they were bad people or bad trainers, just my opinions on how they manage their horses.


Too be plod-dantic here please adust the calculations to mean 0.01% of total with 99.99% of same opting for Rove as Count's superior. I don't want Count deluding himself by way of inflated statistics.


You have proven yourself to be a fine chap. One I'm glad to keep conversing with and bouncing ideas off.

Price check, Register 4

'To' not 'Too'

Hope you're taking note Tiggsworth. I expected you to jump. This was a good exercise for you lad.



When did I ever compare my bloke to Musket, and why are you trying to make out I did?

You are a manipulative little turd and you are an id!ot, do you want me to explain to you why?

I got this bloke for $2,500. He has now won about $2,200 this season. That's what 90-95%.

Musket cost, $2,000,000 didnt he and has won $243,000 LOL! That's 10%.

You absolute potato. ROFL.

Back in your box bozo.

I'm just enjoying the fact that for all these months you've been bagging high profile trainers as well as Group winning horses, and now that you've shown us your hand you turn out to be a one horse (plodder) bush trainer who'd make more money packing shelves at Woolworths than you ever would from training plodders.

You're a very funny guy.

He won a 4 horse picnic race at Balnarring. LOL
If, by your standards Musket is a potato, then your bloke would be sitting somewhere between a pickle and a peanut, which puts him in good company with his trainer.


My horse did not cost me millions of dollars.

He is from King Island.

Good on you seventh.

Winners are grinners 7th.

Well done.

Graeme Begg I think has had only three runners - for three very impressive winners - over the Flemington week.

Superb training effort.

McGarret out

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