Water - Septimus

If they water the track for Septimus I will give up on this great sport.
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7th,it was actually Van der hum back in 76 when torrential rain fell, I know because my grandad is still crying today. He thought Gold and black was a living certainy,but ran second to the mudlark.Alas he only had to wait another year .cheers007

Yak.Take the imports out and the race WOULD be a mockery,we would have Barts Moatize sitting on 54kg with Sevenths Blackie on 5okg and probably the best roughie.---Go Blackie,Good win Seventh,and nice odds.

Does anyone remember when we raced on tracks that were either fast, good, dead, slow or heavy due only to mother nature?

Melbourne Cup - Gold and Black was the last time we raced on a genuine heavy due to mother nature lol.

They should also allow Septimus to travel throughout the race in a motorised cart driven by Lewis Hamilton.

another arguement for maestro' Bart Cummings case to stop this great race becoming a mockery and being taken over by the imports.

What has Mr Obrien done for Australian Racing or achieved, yet he has three in the race. Send him, his family and his team home with Do Not Return stamped on passport.

Agreed, if they water it's a joke. It's not going to be a rock hard fast track, it'll be dead-good which is what it should be.

They knew the history of the tracks we run on and that we've had little rain in a long time before they left... we shouldn't be changing the rules for anybody.


Spot on cow.

Pity (for them) it's rained on the wrong side of the city this morning.

Heard the track manager this morning say 4.75 would be his goal. Cool and mild today and tomorrow; still chance of a shower or two. Reckon he'll get his way.

The other thing we should all bear in mind is that a goodly number of these Irish folk are some of the greatest bull$h!t artists ever born.

It all adds to the fun.


Raining in Geelong nigel?

Geez you gotta love that all-weather track!

Significant rain last night down the coast (Torquay etc.); and apparently at Sandown; not much in between.

No rain of any note at all in Geelong city today.

If I go home & spray my weeds it'll p!ss down for sure.


P.S. Lol about the all weather track too - they were actually worried about it melting last summmer. We actually had a bloke try to talk us into a rainwater tank when we were in Alice Springs last year.

They will water. They have a policy of presenting the track at around a reading of 4 so that it will dry through the day to 3. They just want put enough water on the track to make it 5 or 6.


They wont water

Im tipping you would of given up on this great sport the when the track was doctored for Makybe in 06...

For what its worth, let them scratch it....

Will be 20 other very happy owners in the race....

agree seventh but i think they will. If they want to race on wet track p**soff back home

And take that rotten coUnt chivas with them

I can not believe people are making a big fuss of this. It happens every year.
Put up a dead 4 and lets race.



Shouldn't need to now. Essendon airport had >8mm to 9am with more forecast for today.

Essendon Airport and Flemington don't always get the same rain funnily enough - EA had 8mm yet the city only had 2 and Flemington is about half way between them!!

I heard Nash Rawiller say he finds it funny that some of the internationals ask each year to provide a safe track for the horses. He reckons the year they took Bentley Biscuit over Engalor the track was like cement.

Will the Makybe Diva Water Truck be brought out here or will Septimus have the padded ugg boots on?

Essendon Airport usually throws up a rockhard surface. In fact it has never been worse than FAST 1 for years. The 8mm of rain should help a touch and provide the surface water needed.

Just taking the p!ss MD :)

Flemington appears to have fantastic drainage, even if we get a lot of rain - which I really doubt we will - then the track will be on the good side of dead, I might be wrong..

Excellent weather in Vic atm, supposed to get rain, but hard to say..

Im banking on the cup being a grinding slog - and septimus winning by 3-4 lengths, rain would help - but im not relying on it, I havent seen weather reports - but I dont see any downfalls in a hurry..

still, Im really keen on Septimus regardless..

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