I think this guy is a live chance in the big one... Has stayer written all over it and seems to be improving lengths with every start... Huge class rise but strange things happen in derbys... Anyone Agree?
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After the run he had last start if he didn't win there would have been something wrong. It couldn't have been scripted any better for him if they tried. Can't have him.
Agree with Timesman
Pre Eminence and Sousa are the 2

Noone giving the Doctor a chance? he loves a dead track, I think he will get the trip if he settles a tad further back than last week and is around the 16-1 currently.



I ive Dr D a chance Vad.

IAS bet $26 about Roman Emperor, thank you v. much.....

"Would you like some baileys?"
"Do you love me?"
"I'm Big Col"

Big Col had a beautiful run along the rails last start, slowly improving from second last early to take the lead on the home turn without going around another runner.
He probably got to the lead a bit early but to his credit he fought hard to hold off Markus Maximus and was actually pulling away from him at the finish.
I hadn't given Big Col much thought till now but I'll definitely be including him in my trifectas.


Has some chance on its last win, I like Roman Emperor and Sousa was a good 2nd. Metal Bender is a risk, had all the favors in its last 2 runs(wins).


His winning time at Caulfield gives some strength to his chances, but he like most of hte others have to prove they can run 2400m.

Buffett and Pre Eminence have proved they can. If PE can settle at or near the rear he is the one to beat.

I like Pre Eminence in the Derby from Sousa.

I think Sousa will put pace into the race and be run down by Pre Eminence.

Hope you have some luck.



I backed him last time at $18 after being reasonably impressed the start before at Sandown in a decent form race. The horse had a gear change a few starts back and has improved with distance increases. Like the fact he is by Reset too who should make his mark as a sire.

He is some hope but this is a bit different world to the one he has been in so far. I'll be having a small wager on him though.

It is the right race to be looking for something at a good price - think Clangalang, Nom Du Jeu and runner-up Braeloch in recent times.

I said to muself as they hit the line in the Rosehill Guineas, before the photo was even posted that Sousa would win the Derby and I have seen nothing since, Big Col's win included, to make me change my mind.

He beat horses with G2 form quite easily last start, looks as if he can stay and AJC wanted him in there Derby. Wouldn't be surprised...

I thought his form read well for a Derby chance and many of the others may not be true 2400 types, while some of the more likely 2400m horses may be better on wetter ground.

Unfortunately I don't really know enough about what he's been racing against in Victoria.

I would think there are half a dozen horses that will finish in front of it.

Can you guys support this with something that challenges my position?

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