Sunline vs Makybe Diva


Without a doubt Makybe Diva will go down as a better mare. Her ability to win against group company from 1400m to 3200m makes her the No.1 mare in my books.

Sunline was good but couldn't beat Northerly and he was beaten by Freemason who wouldn't have got close to Makybe at any distance.

Thoughts anyone?
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This topic has been debated dozens of time in the last three years. Look at how many other forumites have indicated they think it's tedious, pointless or tiresome.

Rack off and start something 'original' - like a Northerly v. Lonhro thread or (heaven forbid) a discussion regarding Deep Impact's swab after the Arc.


Diva is greater cause she's alive and making money.

Sunline is goneski.

So owning MD is a much better option unless you like dead horses.

Weight Special (Speedy),

Show some respect for the Forum mate by ceasing your continual disgusting references to the tragic and painful demise of a great mare. Do you seriously find a mare's awful death something to gloat over? Are you that perverse? And show some respect for everyone concerned including Connections who may visit this site. You are a disgraceful little worm.


Here are some form lines to think of when making your decision about who is the greatest mare...

Sunline- couldn't beat Northerly in two Cox plates. Northerly couldn't beat Freemason in a BMW- mainly due to the fact he was a melbourne way of going horse. Freemason after beating Northerly got rolled by Lonhro in the Queen Elizabeth at Randwick. 12 months later, Lonhro rolls Makybe Diva, Elvstroem in a memorable Australian Cup. Lonhro got thrashed by Northerly and Sunline around the Valley in Northerly's second Cox Plate, but prior to that beat Sunline in a thrilling Yalumba!

Then talking of Elvstroem, he beat the Diva in a Caulfield Cup and St George Stakes, but the Diva smashed him in the AUstralian Cup after the St George.

Point is this- both won many great races. Both deserve status as champions, immortals blah blah blah. Which horse was "better", for mine Sunline when I write the dribble I just did.

I would love to have owned both, not just one. Think about the many Group One trophies you'd have!
Sunline- 2 doncasters, 2 cox plates, flight stakes, all-aged stakes, hong kong mile, nz group ones (please excuse my ignorance for not knowing these races names), 2 Coolmore classics plus all the other races she won- each time she stepped out she was brilliant. Only ran worse than 4th once in her life!

And the Diva, 3 "Loving cups" (melbourne cups), 1 cox plate, 1 Australian Cup, 1 BMW and 1 Sydney Cup. Throw in some of the other silverware and she too would have been a great thrill!

But who is greater? is a dead heat of a race that could never and should never be run.

At :

3 Sunline
4 Sunline
5 Sunline
6 Makybe Diva
7 Makybe Diva.

Also Sunline was a superior weight carrier mainly because MD was rarely asked to carry appropriate weights.

Also Sunline's connections never felt the need to order a preferred track condition. I assume that means she was able to handle all track surfaces.

I suspect that in the fullness of time we will see that MD will have more success in the paddock than Sunline.

gab's a knob.

They're my thoughts.

Rusty hooks always catch fish around here.

Don't need much bait.

Here we go
Here we go
Here we go

Seriously to answer the question who was better - I don't know, all I can say
Over 1600m at Randwick - Sunline
Over 3200m at Flemington Makybe Diva

Who would I rather own - I would love to have three Melbourne Cups in my trophy cabinet.



You make some valid points and I may have to think about my original claim again.

I hope you do not show any hypocrisy and add Camel and Nigel to the uncivil list. Their comments were uncalled for. After all isn't healthy debate what is needed and what was called for? Worker is treading a fine line and could possibly be put in too but Khap would have to be the judge of that.

Camel-when are you going to stop with the proffross thing? Give it a break already.

Not even talking about proffross dummy, although that was another poorly disguised name of yours. Im talking about the one you created only a couple of weeks ago and went about getting caught out in quick time. Youre just not too bright Im afraid.


Dumb post, I want to see how many ppl are foolish enough to treat it seriuosly, when its nothing more than a wind up by a regular poster using an alias.


LOL Nigel did Phil "philthy animal" Taylor finely have him removed?


You have got to be joking. Even Khrapper wouldnt lower himsel to this standard of baiting.

Yes all good and well but was Darling a better horse than Mum's Pride? That's the really tough question here.

Makybe Diva was indeed a fine mare but alas six Group Ones short of the great Sunline not to mention Sunline's international record, two Cox Plates, two Doncasters and strike rate.

Sunline clearly on top.

Interesting post there Gab.


My thoughts are you're up there with the biggest peanuts on this forum and anyone wanting to hear any worthwhile racing opinion would do well to steer well clear of anything you have to offer.

Just stick to creating easily exposed new aliases (like your latest effort) and lame sexualised jokes, its more your level.

Here we go again.....

Forget about comparing who is better, it's pointless.

If I could choose one to own I would choose Sunline.

My thoughts are that Makybe Diva's three Melbourne Cup wins were littered with placegetters that aren't much chop and never were.

On A Jeune, She's Archie LOL!

Also She's Archie ran 2nd in an Underwood so she was clearly no mug.

Unless sunline can rise from the dead I think this match race is going to be a on act affair...

Author: Horizons Send message to this user

Timestamp:- 28/5/2009 8:09:11 AM
Subject: Re: Sunline vs Makybe Diva

"My thoughts are that Makybe Diva's three Melbourne Cup wins were littered with placegetters that aren't much chop and never were.

On A Jeune, She's Archie LOL!"

Yeah. Xcellent, Vinnie Roe, Elvstroem, terrible form indeed (not). Also bear in mind that the Melbourne Cup is 2 miles; a to p 2 miler doesn't have to be a star 2000-2400 horse.

You're completely wrong about She's Archie as well.

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