Camel v BK/Gadsby Offcial Tip Off Thread

The wait is over! The first round of the real tip-off between myself and the degenerate himself, BK/Gadsby. Will he show up after running into hiding for the past month? Unlikely but given he was so keen for a tip-off, I will give him the opportunity anyway.
Format and rules are the same as SK’s Masters Comp with 12 selections each week over the Sydney and Melbourne Cards. We know BK bets on anything from maidens at Broome to Melbourne Cups at Flemington so I’m sure there will be no problem here.
Rules can be found here:
Additional rules are as follows:
1. Both players are to post their selection in the correct format in both this “Camel v BK/Gadsby” thread AND SK’s Masters thread. This will ensure an independent party scores the comp. I will update the “Camel v Gadsby” thread with results each week when they become available.

2. Failure to adhere to rule 1 by either player will result in a penalty as follows:
a. First offence: Warning
b. Second offence: No points for that round.
c. Third offence: Disqualification for the tip-off.

3. Failure to post tips on the first occasion will result in a warning (and no points for the round). A second failure to post tips will result in disqualification from the tip-off.
With all that said, lets get down to the tip off. Remember, tips in this thread AND SK’s Masters thread which is already up on the forum.

Place your tips!
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Camel56 is both a fine tipster and distinguished forumite. A bit of respect in order here.


Round 2 done and dusted and I’m sad to report there has been no growth in the size of BK/Gadsby’s heart in the last 7 days. Despite his gambling addiction and a lack of meaningful work ensuring a constant flow of adrenalin filled blood, it remains the size of a pea. A woefully gutless effort from the forum mug/punching bag. Take a good look at yourself BK. You throw out a tipping challenge like you’re king s%&t only to run away and hide when its taken up.
As per additional rule 3 BK is disqualified for failing to tip on 2 occasions. Camel is declared the winner (which would have happened anyway).
Round 2 results:
Camel 10
BK/Gadsby 0(cowardly no-show)
Camel 18
BK/Gadsby 0 (DQ for 2 cowardly no-shows)
Forget about throwing out any challenges in the future BK. People have seen how you run away from all but your fellow mugs. You’re a clueless mug punter who has no real idea about the caper, that’s for sure and certain. There’s no doubt at all that you’re right in your element as one of the sidekicks on the Patto show. Luckily for you only half a dozen people bother to view your laughable best bets each week and by some sort of miracle Patto has managed to find someone even more hopeless than you to join the circus.

He'll be replaced on Punting Patto Show soon. Mainly for poor sound & vision quality reasons but I guess for the general stinkhouse tips he provides.
Parables and Lights of Heaven could not simply carry his XXXX Gold backside on Saturday.
Then to top the weekend off he probably cried at Lockyer's farewell on Sunday. Good on you Kkkkeeeefffffffffiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee you pelican.


It must be great to be you Camel.

Good luck with your goals and aspirations. Try as I might, I'm finding it impossible to contain my envy.

Round 2

MR2,8,That's the One,,,,
MR4,1,Sepoy,SUB TRUMP1,,,
MR5,6,Pinker Pinker,TRUMP,,,
MR6,16,Lights of Heaven,,,,
MR7,12,Bel Sprinter,,,,
MR8,4,December Draw,,,,
SR1,4,Sienna Red,,,,
SR8,14,Secret Admirer,TRUMP,,,
SR6,1,My Kingdom Of Fyfe,,,,
SR7,4,Boys On Tour,,,,
SR2,6,Toms Rocket,,,,

I'm glad Keeeeiiiiiiffffffffffyyyyyyyyyyy is on Punting Patto show.
Tipped me Lights of Heaven & Parables today. Would not have seen them in if it wasnt for Keeeeeeiiiiiiiiifffffffffffffffyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Thanks Keeeiiiiifffffffyyyyyyyyyyyy. So lucky to haf you on the tele. Always coming up with the goods.


ROFPMSL...Camel is a sympathetic Ipad come you never stuck up for me when trying to defend the appalling typin, lack of spell check sh!thouse and copy n paste functions...?

Bahahaha...lay off the booze bozo...!!

One on one, or the quite rare one on none tipping comps never start, run.. or end nice.

It 's like some sort of sick initiation, tirades of abuse and sniggering followed up by lifelong visits to the therapist.

Nope, they never end nice at aaaaaaallllllll.

Gadsby...whot on errf r u trin to acheev by postin heer ewe troglodite...?

Stop stalking me please, Clackers.

I all do become clear.

Let me know when your book hits the stands.

See there’s the difference Mole. I’m not even remotely interested in writing or having a book published. I’m not striving to make any money at all through that kind of avenue and a few typos/mispelligs curtesy of the iPad autospell aren't going to stop me reaching my goals. However, it is comforting to know that if I ever do decide to go down that route, no matter how bad my effort is, I’ll be able to count on the likes of you to buy a copy and sing its praises to anyone stupid enough to listen. lol

As for BK/gadsby, if you're going to post on this tread then how about posting some tips you spineless no-hoper?

I see your maths hasn't gotten any better since you gave the hilariously clueless advice to frame markets to 130%. My tips for round 1 showed a profit you goose. That's something that you and your alter ego BK can only dream of. Funny how you've stopped banging on about the patto show now that you haven't tipped a winner for months and are well on your way to a gassy-like bottom line of -20% on turnover. lol

please don't drag this on

enough already

You really are just not a very nice person are you camel?

Was there any need for that?

probably just as well for u he didnt show up camel,didnt have much to beat did he.
I think its about time you grew up,Havent u got anything better to do than to come on here night after night flaming other posters??.
go out and meet some real people instaid of sitting alone all night on your computer,seems to me u live in the twilight zone.

Can't see a book about 1 man tipping contests being a best seller.

But then again if Mole wrote a book it would be about 1 page long.

I can see the Title Now:
'Time Matters, But Waits for No Man'
Sure to be a follow up mini series on SBS, it would be a good lead in to Friday night festivities or proclivities whichever takes your fancy.

What would you know about "nice" Kapcher.

How many times have you been banned from the forum.

Yeah, yeah I know. At least you're not a welcher etc., etc..

You are however a liar and probably the most unsavory character this forum has ever had.

I see your mental capacity isn't quite large enough to simply ignore threads you aren't interested in Mole. I all becomes clear now as to why you thought so highly of that dreadfully written Fields Of Omagh book. It was pitched at your level.

Not surprising to see he's a no show.

A while back he couldnt wait to mouth off about a winning tip and how he was in the black with his tips on Punting Patto.

The problem for him is the reality of punting has hit him, his tips are flopping and he's in the red with them.

He's got nothing to mouth off about now and he's too scared to go one on one with someone with a good record.

A quiet Keeeefffffiiiiieeeee is a good Keeeefffffiiiiieeeee in my books. Hopefully the labotomy has kicked in.


First round down and its no surprise at all to see that the flea BK/Gadsby failed to show up. The fact that he throws out the challenge only to disappear when the challenge is taken up gives a great insight into the cowardly individual he is. No wonder he has never amounted to anything, he simply doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to do anything remotely challenging or out of his comfort zone.
Leader board after round 1:
Camel56: 8
BK/Gadsby: 0 (cowardly no show)
While the chances of BK/Gadsby growing a set in the next 4 days and actually having a crack are virtually zero, the rules state a first no show is only a warning so round 2 will proceed as scheduled with tips to be in by 12.30pm (or 1st race) on Saturday.

Giraffe, I Doff's Me Hat..... WELL DUN

For WOT yoose trying to do ..

Those Tips didn't look to bad..

A bit of a mixture..

Short Priced Gimme's and few with a bit of Odd's

How do you explain your deplorable tipping Camel..?

No doubt Lister will come along and expain it for everyone, seeing as how he is the forum moderator an all.

First time I've heard a profitable set of tips described as deplorable. No surprise to see it come from the forum dunce in Quez. rofl

Gee Camel,

what price BK wouldnt show? Long odds in a market framed @ 130% i reckon. I see him still skulking about the forum, no cahones.


But I note he could still lob out a tip for another Friday meeting at Ipswich!

What a gutless wonder, and a gimp.

He is a flea Joe. A gutless flea. Calls everyone out saying he wants nothing more than to take people on in a one on one tipping comp and then goes missing when the opportunity is provided. His recently ended one month in hiding really was hilarious.

Note to BK: you'll need to run off and hide for more than a month if you want us all to forget how spineless you are buddy.

Did you use the dartboard of glory to come up with those Camel?

I am not sure he is going to show.

We will have to put him in the same class as Khrapper now.

Calls someone out for a contest, then doesn't have the ability to go through with it.

Congratulations on your win Camel.

Keith has never had the b@lls to enter a real comp on this forum, so I doubt he will show, not that it would have mattered, as I am sure you would have given him a right royal flogging anyway.

He's also never had the stones to take on anyone Ono-on-either Saintly. No one above those who have to pick 4 or 5 in a race to have any hope of finding the winner anyway.

To clarify the rules of this comp that BK/Gadsby will run away from, SK's comp finishes when the first person reaches 100pts. This comp will finish at that the same time (unless someone is disqualified earlier) and the winner will be the person with the higher points total at that time.

27 August - Caulfield & Rosehill

MR1,6,Plucky Belle,,,,
MR3,13,Little Tycoon,TRUMP,,,
MR6,8,Prince Obama,,,,
MR8,6,Time Matters,TRUMP,,,
SR2,7,Rekindled Alliance,,,,
SR4,9,Dancing Attendance,,,,
SR5,2,Smart Missile,,,,
MR2,8,La Praline,,,,
SR8,4,Duke Of Cornwall,,,,
MR4,1,Golden Archer,,,,
SR6,7,The Verminator,,,,

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