Kane Williamson


What a delight this bloke is to watch - I haven't seen a batsman with such a pure technique for a long time!

On a negative, how disappointing is it to see once great wickets, that produced such even and enthralling contests between bat and ball, turned out as roads yet again.

NRL Grand Final


I'm not sure what compelled me to watch the NRL GF this year but I'm sure glad I did - epic!!

I don't know enough about the game to have an opinion as to whether it's the greatest GF ever, but from my own pov it's certainly the most enjoyable and exciting game of League I've ever seen.

NRL Grand Final


I'm not sure what compelled me to watch the NRL GF this year but I'm sure glad I did - epic!!

I don't know enough about the game to have an opinion as to whether it's the greatest GF ever, but from my own pov it's certainly the most enjoyable and exciting game of League I've ever seen.

Mourinho & Wenger: Forbidden Love


I got a chuckle out of this:

Footy Fans


I know there has always been an element of peanuts in the crowd at Aussie Rules games, but when did it turn so nasty and to the point where the majority now seem to be bogans who want to boo pathetically and/or start fights?! Can't believe the actions of that Freo fan assaulting a woman in the crowd last night - throw the book at the thug!

Maybe it's just a reflection of society in general where the 'trailer trash' culture now seems the norm.

How do NRL crowds stack up?

Jason Day


Really pleased to see him finally get reward for such consistency over the last few years, and in a record low score.

Nothing controversial about the man and should have a great career for the next decade or so.

Ashes debacle aside, it's continued a pretty good year for Oz sport.

Cobalt from the blue


After the surprising (to me at least) news yesterday re cobalt findings in horses from several prominent stables, I was interested to read a couple of articles suggesting that its misuse is widely known.

I'd be interested to hear what others with more industry knowledge than me think about this.

Not to mention the elephant in the room - if Moody is found guilty and banned, just wait for the allegations that the great mare was also administered illegal levels of the substance!

Kumar Sangakkara


Happy New Year all.

Whilst watching this guy peel off yet another fantastic 200 yesterday, I got to wondering why he never seems to be mentioned with the same degree of reverence as the other great batsman of the current era, ie Tendulkar, Lara, Kallis, Ponting. Surely his record speaks for itself and he thoroughly deserves his position amongst the greats - he now averages 59 in test cricket and is second to Bradman for test double tons, with 11 of his 38 centuries converted to at least 200.

T20: Is the party over?


Just wondering whether others feel like I do that the T20 'fad' is showing signs of being on the way out?

I went to the game at Adelaide Oval and it's absolute rubbish. Admittedly it wasn't much of a contest which didn't help, but there was doof doof after EVERY ball, dancers and even some snoozer on a BMX!

I would can it altogether but, failing that, restrict it to club/state leagues like the IPL, BBL, etc. The only international matches should be a World Cup every 2 or 3 years.

Cadel, he's elite alright!


Well done Cadel on a truly outstanding career, deserves to be remembered as one of Australia's great sportsmen.

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