I'm looking forward to Abbott PM

Because I know a team of Abbott/Hockey/Robb, with input from Joyce, is sure to be comically hopeless, and I'm going to enjoy all these non-stop whingers realising it.

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Lover's tiff in Melbourne- Costello/Kroger.

Abbott was using the same, "I just am" argument that Gillard, the intellectual pygmy, uses to justify her opposition to gay marriage. Oh, they are both so inspiring: I'm getting goosebumps just writing about them. May 11- 10.39 am

The same kind of punishment that Queenslanders dished out to State Labor awaits Federal Labor from the entire country at the next election.

The joke that did the 'rounds' after the Qld election was 'Whats's the difference between a Toyota Tarago and the QLD ALP? - A Tarago has more seats.

Might be the same joke going around after the next Federal election.


I am absolutely fed up with this Govt and their 'culinary' accounting. BUT, I want an Opposition that can articulate what they would do if in Govt. Again last night, when Abbott had centre stage, all we heard was how bad the current Govt's policies are - tell us what you would do Tony. Mind you, being innumerate yourself, and having Hockey and Robb by your side, I can't blame you for not being able to cost things. No wonder Costello wanted back in.


I agree with you, I thought T Abbotts reply was lame (to use a favourite term of my teenager). He wasn't prepared for the question.

The education rebate was meant to be to reimburse parents for money spent on certain educational items. The government realised that by making the rules sensible, either some people did not get rebate because they either didn't spend the money on the requisite items or they didn't keep their dockets. So, lets fix it and just give them the money regardless. It is now nothing more than a bribe for their vote. Funny part is that these people given their level of income are proabably labor voters anyway ie you have to qualify for family tax benefit part A to get the bonus (albeit this is a generalisation).

Using a poor policy like the baby bonus to justify another silly policy ie kidsschool bonus is just as lame (media did this).

I thought it was poor form (and silly politically) about Jules mentioning where T Abbott lived. Now she is showing her true socialist colours. It took a while, but now they are there for all to see. How lame was that.

Gee I dislike shin soreness.



By far, my favourite part of Mr Abbott's budget reply speech was when he said "Australians understand that a tax reduction to compensate for a tax increase is not a real cut". Um, yeah, is this the same Tony Abbott that worked on Fightback! and was press secretary for Dr Hewson? The same Fightback! that had at its centrepiece a 15% GST coupled with income tax cuts!

And right on cue, up they pop.

Like a rabbit caught in a spotlight, when asked how Swan's bribe, sorry schoolkid bonus was any different from the Howard baby bonus which he and Hockey were part of, all he could offer was: "[pause] Ah, it just is".

Sloppy Joe went one better on radio: "[ours was different] because it was for babies". Apparently he hasn't yet worked out that moderately expensive babies grow into money pit schoolkids. It's little wonder he's known around the parliament as the hapless buffoon. A decent bloke I suspect but hopelessly out of his depth.

Wait and see WS!

I'm not saying Turnbull's perfect - but he is the mould of "liberal" which to me accurately reflects those traditional liberal values and the true nature of conservatism. Abbott is a deranged, mean-spirited neo-con. Abbott is clever, ruthless and dangerous, Hockey is just clueless.

Anyway compared to Abbott, Turnbull looks kind of messianic to me right now :)

Abbott and genial Joe,I don't think I could put pencil to paper.
Rudd to rise from the ashes when Labour realise they are lemmings at the brink of a cliff.
Malcolm Turnbull to replace Abbott and will be the next PM.
Even I find that palatable.
I wonder if I can get on at a good price.

Great observation Geelong,two posts in a week that I have found spot on. LOL The Pig.

Spot on Lister. I'm hugely disappointed that our first female PM has turned out to be someone I neither like or respect, and have no real enthusiasm to vote for. But the alternative with Tony at the helm is just the stuff of nightmares. Nevertheless barring some insane political miracle that is where we are heading.

Interesting times ahead indeed. Come on Malcolm, your moment has arrived!

It's like Turnbull is the Obi-Wan of Australian politics right now. He's our only hope :)


Good post Doos' - Labor deserve to go but having the innumerate bible-basher as PM is very worrying.

He's certainly funny to look at..

Either he is a very good listener, or works partime as an ear ring model with those ears of his, or he is the new incarnation of the elephant man cometh..!!

Turnbull your only hope? What rot, he supported Rudd on most issues and is pro plant food scam.

All these scare campaigns against Abbott/Hockey is nonsense. It will be just be a downmarket version of Howard/Costello without without all the Rudd/Gillard/Swan stuff ups and scandals.

The reality of course is that unless you are an amoeba you would know full well that we are the envy, not the laughing stock, of (most of) the world. The economy, resources, lifestyle, access to affordable high quality health care, the governance, rule of law, the judiciary, policing, democratic institutions, and freedoms of speech, protest and association are all as solid as they have ever been, despite the occasional hiccup (such as Collingwood and Hawthorn winning premierships).

And all that despite our miserly billionaires and [alleged] randy union officials with a propensity for spending other people's money. (Oddly enough if the HSU2 were in business we'd expect nothing less). What a strange lot we are - well, you are.


What is wrong with some comedy?

The best show in town is the Health Services Union. It gets better each day. It is both funny and very sad. I feel very sorry for the members of the HSU.

I reckon every day Julia and Bill open the newspapers and say "Not again". You have to just love it. Day in day out in the major papers, the media can't get enough of it. It certainly sells papers.

Simply hilarious.

27% primary vote is even funnier. In my view it is 27% to much. The QLD labor party set the standard, 48 seats to 7. Now thats funny.

See, there is no end to humour in politics.



As long as you get some enjoyment Infidel, God knows, there's been no enjoyment in watching this present bunch of clowns turn us into the laughing-stock of the world.

As Labour is going...And that Ain't too Good

Don't wanna see Joe Cricket and Mr Rabbitt having Control of this Country

Surely we are not all that Stupid

Julia got handed a Poision Chalice but she hasn't made a Good Effort of trying to Clean it Up

Where's Malcolm

The last 5 years hasn't been comically hopeless?


abbot and costello woulda bin funny...

maybe, a bit.

Waiting to hear Khaptingly's get out strategy.

Man U Fan 7(dec)413
Khaptingly all out 66

Thats the problem WS.

Sometimes the alternative is less palatable than what you have but when things are bad people think that any alternative is better.

In another time it would have been unthinkable to hand power to a Laurel and Hardy side show opposition like we have at the moment but the Labor party have handed it to them on a platter.

I agree that this government are cattle trucked.
I can't stand to think about the alternative though.

Interesting times ahead for our country.

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