
Takeover Chivas


So Chivas, you intelligent soul you.

I will ask you again, and it will be interesting if you dare to be such a smart alec this time.

After the recent overseas failure that sees the current scoreboard as

Seventh - 1
Chivas - 0

I will ask again.

Is a 1 X length defeat of I Am Invincible in the Goodwood enough to suggest that Takeover Target is going well enough to be competitive internationally and is he really going all that well?

Go on . . . answer.

You dared to make me look foolish last time.

Let's see if you dare to do it again.
Author: Wahlberg
Timestamp:- 14/5/2009 7:09:37 PM
Subject: Re: RTW and the Doomben Cup

Ewe have got to be Joking..
RTW soo far past his best and over 2000 nooo chance..

Might not watch the Race and flick on the AFL instead..

Put your Money in the pokies.

MOre chance of ewe winning.



Why is this race a Group 1?

I think it's time for a downgrade to Group 2, even possibly 3.

Macca 'Lacks'


Why is it that both maccamax and Khaptingly refuse to take anyone on when a tipping challenge is put forth?

I fail to understand how you can gloat, you can boast but when they challenge is put forward by someone that has been called inferior by these two, they hide?

What a weak, weak, weak pair of children they are.



Hasn't this bloke grown another leg since he left Marconi's and gone to Kavanagh's?

Must be hard to get a decent track-rider out Mornington way.

Does anyone know where allhigh has gone? LOL

Easy, Easy, Easy Money


Wayne Hawkes must have thought all his Christmas' came at once during the week.

I heard him being interviewed on SEN1116 in regards to who would ride Real Saga.

When Kevin Bartlett alerted him to the fact that they were actually punting on the result on Sportsbet, Wayne asked, what are the prices?

Kevin said
Rodd - $2.00
Oliver $2.60

Next day - Oliver $2.60 into $1.60.




I am getting rather tired of Greg Miles and his descriptions each time Damien Oliver rides a winner.

Oliver is always 'lifting' a horse or 'carrying' the horse over the line.


Newmarket Unders


Northern Meteor @ 9's Fixed Odds is way over the odds.

I rate him a 7/2 chance.

Any thoughts?

Zarita - Australian Cup


Zarita is ridden a touch more aggresively will beat Theseo.

All failing that scenario, she is a fantastic Each-Way bet in my opinion.

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