
And the winner is suhlmann.

Suhlmann has held on to win from a fast finishing Sinatra. Both cleared out from the pack which included Torpedo Punt, Budda and Northbouy (rounding out the top 5).

The final week saw the worst result of the competition for the layers of Bikkie Tin Blues, who was the best of best things at his $1.30 quote. The best lays landed were Fleeting Echo at $2.30 and Mr Mister at $2.40.

So once again congratulations to suhlmann.



Final Standings-

419.13 suhlmann
399.32 Sinatra
258.28 Torpedo Punt
255.26 Budda
250.03 Northbouy
220.72 della
204.59 goodpunteroutaluck
204.21 lance barnard
186.64 vintage 35
180.16 laminate
175.30 Bluboy
174.84 mitch_006
171.80 Mr Lister
140.15 jet
136.85 benny_g
99.06 squid69
94.56 trackside
-137.05 Todman

eliminated week 6 Todman
eliminated week 6 trevelma
eliminated week 5 The Mighty Quinn
eliminated week 5 Boxcar
eliminated week 3 turleytime
eliminated week 3 fatjack
eliminated week 3 freeze33
eliminated week 3 Ron Rat
eliminated week 2 Sableroan
eliminated week 2 shoutme1
eliminated week 2 Dagz
eliminated week 2 hareeba
eliminated week 1 MediaCentral

Hello Competitors

Please post your lays on this thread.

Welcome to the final week of this competition. This week you must nominate six lays (must be different races). Selections are restricted to runners from this Saturdays meeting at either Mooney Valley, Randwick, Doomben, Morphetville or Belmont Park.

Thanks to everyone that is participating for supporting the competition.

Good Luck.


Here are the results after round 5.

And what a terrible week some had. 36 out of the 106 lays went down when the respective horses won. It was also a week of records and the dubious honours go to : The Mighty Quinn who did have the worst weekend in this competions short history. TMQ layed 4 winners include the short priced Sugerbomb ($1.60) and Nexgen ($1.70). He did have one consolations of Rewayya ($2.00) but that wasn't enough to keep him alive. We also say goodbye to Boxcar who didn't have a good weekend either, when 3 of his saluted.

Followers of Lance Barnard will have noticed he notched a further 2 winners, and at equal stakes would have given you a good days profit. (+46%)

The best lays of the round were Starlactic($1.80) and Rewayya.

So looking to the table and Suhlmann will take some running down with Sinatra and Trackside still a hope.

Next week will be the final week of the competion so make your six lays count.
As usual I will post up a thread Thursday evening.



After week 5-

378.17 suhlmann
334.65 Sinatra
306.39 trackside
233.90 Northbouy
220.27 goodpunteroutaluck
216.89 Budda
209.24 Torpedo Punt
195.72 trevelma
162.89 mitch_006
152.66 Bluboy
113.91 jet
98.79 lance barnard
96.96 laminate
93.38 vintage 35
92.12 Mr Lister
89.08 della
65.99 benny_g
56.86 squid69
5.32 Todman
-13.61 The Mighty Quinn
-29.49 Boxcar

eliminated week 5 The Mighty Quinn
eliminated week 5 Boxcar
eliminated week 3 turleytime
eliminated week 3 fatjack
eliminated week 3 freeze33
eliminated week 3 Ron Rat
eliminated week 2 Sableroan
eliminated week 2 shoutme1
eliminated week 2 Dagz
eliminated week 2 hareeba
eliminated week 1 MediaCentral
Hello Competitors

Please post your lays on this thread.

This week you must nominate five lays (must be different races). Selections are restricted to runners from this Saturdays meeting at either Caulfield, Rosehill, Doomben, Morphetville or Belmont Park.

Thanks to everyone that is participating for supporting the competition.

Next will will be the last week of this comp so it is time to start accumulating those points.


Here are the results after round 4.

We now have a clear leader after Suhlmann had an impressive day out, and a few others stumbled a little.

The best lays of the round were Rosecutter at the odds on quote of $1.70 (earning 58.82 points). The worst results were Blutigeroo and Bel Danoro with plenty of players laying both, but in the washup they both won justifing their shortish quotes.

Next week five lays will be required. As usual I will post up a thread Thursday evening.



After week 4-

328.05 suhlmann
255.64 Sinatra
244.67 Northbouy
209.17 Budda
183.65 mitch_006
183.54 trackside
183.35 Bluboy
169.09 trevelma
164.41 Torpedo Punt
161.70 vintage 35
160.76 goodpunteroutaluck
155.17 jet
127.42 The Mighty Quinn
110.20 lance barnard
107.47 squid69
91.50 della
80.62 Todman
79.43 Boxcar
62.77 benny_g
56.25 laminate
15.25 Mr Lister

eliminated week 3 turleytime
eliminated week 3 fatjack
eliminated week 3 freeze33
eliminated week 3 Ron Rat
eliminated week 2 Sableroan
eliminated week 2 shoutme1
eliminated week 2 Dagz
eliminated week 2 hareeba
eliminated week 1 MediaCentral
Hello Competitors

Please post your lays on this thread.

This week you must nominate four lays (must be different races). Selections are restricted to runners from this Saturdays meeting at either Flemington, Randwick, Eagle Farm, Morphetville or Belmont Park.

Thanks to everyone that is participating for supporting the competition.



In case you missed last weeks results here is the scoreboard again.
After week 3-

183.81 trackside
172.93 suhlmann
166.33 trevelma
163.14 Budda
153.30 Torpedo Punt
145.94 Todman
144.84 mitch_006
141.93 Bluboy
135.11 Sinatra
133.94 Northbouy
115.25 goodpunteroutaluck
82.56 benny_g
80.13 vintage 35
71.81 laminate
67.10 della
50.21 lance barnard
48.18 jet
46.99 The Mighty Quinn
44.42 Boxcar
23.13 Mr Lister
14.84 squid69
-17.63 freeze33
-20.46 fatjack
-40.38 turleytime

eliminated week 3 turleytime
eliminated week 3 fatjack
eliminated week 3 freeze33
eliminated week 3 Ron Rat
eliminated week 2 Sableroan
eliminated week 2 shoutme1
eliminated week 2 Dagz
eliminated week 2 hareeba
eliminated week 1 MediaCentral

Hello Competitors

Please post your lays on this thread.

This week you must nominate three lays (must be different races). Selections are restricted to runners from this Saturdays meeting at either Caulfield, Rosehill, Doomben, Cheltenham or Belmont Park.

Thanks to everyone that is participating for supporting the competition.


After week 2 we have a bunch of players all challenging for the lead. And then the rest are pretty evenly spaced out behing.

The best lays of the round were Rosecutter and Blutigeroo both beaten at the $1.60 quote.

Next week three lays will be required.



After week 2-

143.66 suhlmann
143.66 trackside
132.69 trevelma
130.98 Todman
106.22 Bluboy
92.41 mitch_006
88.09 Sinatra
85.44 Budda
84.15 The Mighty Quinn
75.86 Northbouy
71.29 lance barnard
66.68 Torpedo Punt
61.55 Ron Rat
53.10 benny_g
47.13 goodpunteroutaluck
44.23 Boxcar
34.47 jet
33.44 fatjack
16.49 turleytime
12.19 squid69
12.01 vintage 35
8.65 della
7.76 freeze33
4.12 laminate
2.30 Mr Lister

eliminated week 2 Sableroan
eliminated week 2 shoutme1
eliminated week 2 Dagz
eliminated week 2 hareeba
eliminated week 1 MediaCentral
Hello Competitors

Please post your lays on this thread.

This week you must nominate two lays (must be different races). Selections are restricted to runners from this Saturdays meeting at either Mooney Valley, Warwick Farm, Doomben, Cheltenham or Belmont Park.

Thanks to everyone that is participating for supporting the competition.


29 Competitors have lined up to do battle. Sadly one competitor has fallen at the first hurlde.

mitch_006 has shot to an early lead after landing an odds on lay. Lang was layed at 1.80 giving mitch_006 55.56 points. There is a large group of chasers in the next group after Due Sasso was a popular lay.

Next week two lays will be required, and Perth races will be included in the list of venues.



After week 1-

55.56 mitch_006
37.04 shoutme1
35.71 Bluboy
35.71 trevelma
35.71 trackside
35.71 Ron Rat
35.71 suhlmann
26.32 vintage 35
25.00 Sinatra
25.00 The Mighty Quinn
25.00 Todman
22.73 fatjack
22.73 squid69
20.41 freeze33
19.23 Budda
16.67 goodpunteroutaluck
16.67 benny_g
16.67 lance barnard
16.39 Torpedo Punt
13.70 Dagz
13.70 Mr Lister
12.99 hareeba
11.76 Northbouy
11.11 Boxcar
9.35 jet
8.33 turleytime
3.11 laminate
2.21 della
-55.56 MediaCentral

eliminated week 1 MediaCentral

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