Is Eade serious?

Ron Rat
Does anybody really think that Monday night would be a success.
Families would struggle to get kids up for school tuesday morning.
After watching footy all weekend good luck convincing everyone else that another game of footy to watch is a good idea.
The draw would become even more fraught with short backups.
Part time staff would become harder to get for gatekeepers, beverage dispensers etc who are largely doing it for a second job.
Interstate clubs travelling would not only hate it but fans who might want to travel would baulk at it because they would need to take more time off work.
It works for one day cricket because the weather is warmer, the base to draw from is larger (ie they are not club based but national) and they are generally played during school holidays.

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There's one very simple reason why it would work. In fact its the whole point of the idea in the first place.
It will rate its socks off.
Anyone who doesn't recognise that the AFL fixture is purely dictated by the broadcasters is kidding themselves.

Whether kids have to go to school, or people have to work makes no difference at all.
Firstly they would schedule big games in the slot, to give it the best chance of success. This means that the live crowd would look after itself. There are plenty of footy mad people in this town who would go see a game at midnight if that's when it was on.
But the live crowd isn't even important. This would be a for-TV exercise.

It will happen, as will a night Grand Final.

People that follow AFL in Melbourne follow a club, so the argument that they wouldn't show up on Monday after footy has been on all weekend doesn't wash.

If their side is playing on the Monday, they will go on Monday or watch on TV on Monday. It is not as if a Bulldogs supporter will go to a Collingwood game on Saturday instead of his own club's game, just so he can attend football on the weekend.

Bring it on.

They tried Saturday twilight games a few years back. The innovations dont always take.

Well CK

You do have a point there, and if footy was on Monday nights I'd probably watch it because 99% of what's on offer from the commercial networks is pathetic drivel masquerading as entertainment.

Perhaps we who are objecting just need to move with the times.

What the hell, let's have Monday night games and a night Grand Final next year!

Moleboy - lol

Spot on CK... throw into that, a night final.. never!

Before the dogs think about monday night football, Eade should be focusing his attention on trying to find a forward over 6foot.

The dogs wont make the finals until they have atleast 2 big targets inside 50.

I'm with CK

I don't follow the machinations of the AFL as closely as most of you but I get the impression the Bulldogs could use a new revenue stream.

Perhaps their thing could be Monday nights on TV. Free to air in Victoria and the only game in town on the Footy Channel.

I think it can work - and if it does Collingwood will steal it, claim it as their own and add it to their list of 'great things our club did for the game'.

Just kidding Doosie...kinda

Tell me ?
Would Monday night football be the end of a round or the beginning of a round ?

Rugby league had it ages ago and tried it again a few years ago. From memory after initial interest crowd and tv support dies down I guess for most of the reasons mentioned here.

Things are getting tough when this gets a STAR rating from the mods?

Ron you are right,it won't work.

Monday's are working for the yanks because they don't have Friday night games!

There's big difference on how you feel on a Friday arvo compared to a Monday arvo don't you think?

Forget it Rodney and concentrate on not losing 3 in a row this weekend.

I hope not. I look forward to the footy on the weekend, its like one announces the presence of the other. I dont want it every day.

Also given the fact there is still the debacle (at least once for Melbourne FC and once their opponents this year) of programming sides to play twice in 5 days, Monday night games present more opportunites for this stupid practice.

It will work. For a few moments. Remember folks a few moments could mean months. ha ha Ballet Society, didnt they jump on that. Monday nights will fizzle out quicker than this forum has. The most exciting thing these days is me slipping up (intentionally) to get the mob excited. Too many need to get a life, this forum is full of grumpy ol men. Lighten up and stop criticising, its as though you have Monday itis every day. The biggest excitement for most these days is cutting down the previous poster.

The TV ratings on a Monday night alone say that it is worth a shot. The Bulldogs need every cent they can get and this could be a sponsorship and advertising boon for them.

A few moments could mean months Khrapper, relatively speaking. However, in the Ballet Society case months is still totally wrong. Based on your new theory, Ballet Society was trained in Victoria for only a few months. Still a long way off the fact that in reality her whole career has been in Victoria. Years my friend, not months. Stop kidding yourself and using another thread to try and get yourself off the hook.

We tried Mondays a few years back..

Why did it fail then?
Why would it work now?

Answers please Roundearthers!

Televised Monday night football will not work, unless shown live or almost live.

Might also take a long time, for fans to get used to heading to Telstra Dome on a Monday evening.
Some people do have to work on Tuesday.

I have never fathomed Friday night out, when the replay doesn't get under way until 8.30pm, commencing with 15 minutes of Eddie and the Ads.

In all states except where the game is played, why Channel 9 does not commence the replay from 7.30pm is beyond me. Not as though football doesn't rate well.

Perhaps this will happen when Channel 7/10/Fox secure the rights in a couple of years.


Khrapper, if anyone picks up one of your mistakes, it is not actually a mistake. Is that correct? The Ballet Society blunder was not a mistake, but a baited trap, set by the great one, to engender comment?

Khrapper, time to change hands! You're going to get blisters!

lol alcatraz!

Flat-Earthers the lot of you.

Night Football? It'll never catch on.
Take the games away from Suburban grounds? Won't happen.
Build a boutique stadium with a retractable roof in the railyards? Very unlikely.
Prevent players being paid in cash from brown paper bags? Why should we?
Full-time professional coaches? What for!
Let the other states play our beautiful Victorian game? No thanks!

thats right, Khap. Keep telling yourself that.


Theres a difference between liking and expecting something. Who said everyone was pleased with all the modern changes?

Onya Ron, agree with each of your arguments.

But sad to say, us people in OZ are almost compelled to follow what "works" in the conglomeration known as the US of A.

As you are no doubt aware, Monday night football is a major success for the telecasters and broadcasters in the land of "Yo Man", high fives and ill-fitting shorts.

Easy to see our TV moguls following the lead in that area ...after all have a look at the "hugely successful" American TV shows that we are force fed to watch ... canned laughter and all.

Kerry managed to change our pysche in regard to pyjama cricket and given half a sniff of a few more million bucks he (or the other Kerry) will tell us what is good for us on a Monday night.

By the way, I grew up in PNG where Friday night football (rugby league) was all the rage ... but that was in a time when there was no TV, no nightclubs and only one Chinese restautrant in town.

Social life revolved around sport and cold SP lager.

I still love the Friday night football, albeit now its AFL but would find it hard to get into the habit of watching Monday night's as well.

Even if the two Kerry's try to tell me what I want to watch.

It is a truly dumb idea.
Monday night football - imagine the excitement and atmosphere - precisely zero.

Monday night football would be exciting for the winning team.(claw, claw)

Odd that a coach would support it. It seems to have only benefits for TV - as no doubt it would rate it socks off. Otherwise - for all the reasons you said it sounds a ridiculous idea.

I think what Rodney Eade is getting at is to showcase the Bulldogs as much as he can. Monday nights would be a ratings bonanza on TV and would give the club a huge amount of exposure thus helping them to attract more members and most importantly sponsorship. If the Bulldogs had exclusive rights to several monday home games the sponsors would be lining up for signage and the like given the massive TV exposure that would occur. It is not a totally silly idea when you consider what the Bulldogs need to do to be competitive in the market place. In the 80's no one wanted Friday nights and the only Sunday games were in Sydney. Now everybody wants Friday nights because of the exposure and the clubs play Saturday nights, and Sunday arvos all the time.
Monday nights could be a good marketing ploy and if successful you all just watch the Bulldogs get pushed aside much the same way the Kangas did with Friday night football. Good on them for having the balls to float the idea.

No good for me, I watch Cold Case on Monday nights.

I think Eade is floating it as a way of getting "ownership" of the Monday night slot for his club, like the Kangaroos used to "own" Friday nights.

For a club that battles for members, getting exposure the same time every week could be a valuable thing.

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