Scully goes West

worker collective farmer
It's official. Scully's off to the new GWS franchise. No real surprise there. Here's hoping Melbourne gets good compensation and that that distraction is now buried.
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Nice story LC - except for the bit where you describe a 20yo 'greedy' for accepting $6M. Come on mate... When that sort of money is being thrown around there can only be one outcome.

If he knocked back that sort of coin you would have to describe him as financially irresponsible.

The word I hate seeing in print or heard in relation to any footballing code is loyalty. Give me a break!! Thankfully Rugby League has completely given the 'loyalty' card the flick and the quickly AFL abandon this antiquated notion the better.

I came in heart first.

My wife said your point of view was far better. B!tch.


Can I ask if you, as a Blues fan, had the same attitude toward Kernahan, Bradley, Dorotich et al in the mid eighties?

I think I already explained it when I said I came in heart first.

Besides, I never regard hypocrisy as relevant to argument. I may advocate things that make sense not done that I do.

There are three things here that come to mind. Make it four, I'll answer your silly question as well.

People are ruined by money. It would not have been a good for me to get six million at twenty. I'm glad I didn't. Scully will not be helped on his way to living a life beyond his own. At some point he will have to begin again if he wants to make it to the status of good bloke.

There can be money in football without it being compulsory for a player to cave in to the false God of Mammon. Loyalty did not have to be a casualty. On that point I do not agree with Karnage.

I despise those people who claim to be footy fans who switch clubs and barrack for a second club like they barracked for the first. There are still people in Adelaide and Perth who do not support these ersatz constructions that came out of nothing more than a decision to go national.

That's to say if you were a Sturt fan prior to the conception of Adelaide, then good on you.

But to switch from the Tigers to the Crows, at a moment in time is beyond those who were properly committed the first time.

Did I enjoy 68, 70, 72, 79, 81, 82, 87 and 95 because Carlton bought premierships?

What do you think?

If I lived in a Corporate Box at Patersons Stadium and watched every West Coast game and knew the players and got caught up in one Premiership wash after another would it diminish my passion for The Blues?

Are you insane.

"I never regard hypocrisy as relevant to argument"


Injuries aside.


I've had a bet with a mate for a carton that GWS will finish 2012 higher on the ladder than the Suns. Am I any chance at all??


what a classic. Some serious time went into that. Great stuff.


What about Port Adelaide's form.

They tell Dean Brogan and Chad Cornes they are finished at the Club so the stalwarts retire. GWS says they will give the blokes a shot and all of a sudden Port decide they want compensation and won't delist the players. How can they seriously ask for compensation for two players they forced into retirement because they didn't want them? Stiff cheddar in my books?

At least Brisbane have had the good grace to ask the AFL for a rules clarification in the case of Luke Power.

Obviously we can't have blokes retiring purposely to give them a direct and easy path to a new club like GWS but we also can't have clubs like Port flicking long serving players without a care yet then trying to squeeze some compo.

Karnage, How much money is enough?

These guys are set up for life and six million is a beginning.

Supposing it isn't and you have to work later, he would still have more than is natural to spend.

Buy a house and a holiday house and two cars, invest the rest and live off $200000 annual interst.

Would you like to meet a woman like that?

So much more is more important.

Like playing out your days with your mates at Melbourne Footy Club.

I understand why the word integrity is thrown around like a frisby. We feel so bad about ourselves.

It used to be that you played for the club. We'd bag those who changed their allegiance.

It was part of who you were.

It's a word they reach for these days to shore up a position.

Politicians use it all the time. The Police Department investigate themselves without an inkling that police integrity is contradictory.

It's the way of the world and it's a shame.

Anyone who eats off my table and uses the word is searched on the way out. The more you talk about integrity the faster we count our spoons.

Take the money, but no speeches please, Scully. You took it because it was there and you're greedy. There was no other reason despite what you said.

Excellent article by Lethal on this topic. Hits the mark on every point.

Watch this


Saintly that is very funny and so true LOL that kid is great making that song up so fast

The players will play footy wherever they go.

Why don't they pay the club the player comes from the big bucks to release them?

A bit of reward for effort for unearthing the talent to start with.

It might make the competition more even in a sense, one club gets the player and the other gets the money?



Just wondering if anyone knows how long GCS and GWS have got before they have to abide by the same salary cap as the other 16 clubs?

This is a classic.

And Lyon has lost his halo (sold his soul?) and is heading over to dee dark side apparently.

Why is he worth that much

Why is any player in Oz worth that much

Wot type of contracts can Nic Nat and a few others look forward to when re-negotiation comes up

Almost as ludicrous as the amounts they are paying KHunt and IFolau. On that basis some of the real stars of the competition (eg Jimmeh Bartel) should be on $2M+ a year. The AFL has obviously given GWS (too much) latitude to try and make the franchise an early success and, as has been said elsewhere on here, they're relying on existing rusted-on fans in Melb (Dees and Dogs fans in particular) to maintain the faith while the lollies are handed out elsewhere. Unless GWS makes the finals within 4 years I reckon the relatively fickle Sydney crowds will stay away in droves. What then - prop them up a la Port? Still, the clubs voted for expansion and I assume they knew the risks. Shows what a tight unit the current crop of Cats are - quite a few could have gone elsewhere for MUCH bigger $$$. Only one did.

Can't blame the players for taking the dough but it leaves fans with a very sour taste in their mouths.

Please correct me if I'm wrong (no doubt someone will in this place) but I don't think he is on more than Ablett bar his 1st season. How I understand it Ablett on $9m for 5 years, Scully $6m for 6 years though he is being paid $2m in the first year so $4m for the remaining 5 years..

He is on more money a year than Ablett evidently, so it is easy to understand why he has gone.


Can't blame the kid but I think GWS have thrown too much at him - nowhere near as good as Trengove imo and I reckon they would have been better placed going hard at an established start ala GCS and Gaz.

Sure the money seems great now but he'll have at least three years near the bottom of the table.

I don't rate him anyway. And if the rumours are true about Fev he's hardly going to be a good influence on young Tom and his leadership aspirations.

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