Australia Day...Our Day.


Great to see such fervent acknowledgement and celebration of our national day.
It's quite evident that the pride we hold for our country and our lifestyle is growing, year by year.

Every year there seems to be more and more Aussie flags and green and gold being displayed, in shops, on cars, as clothing/footwear and more recently in homes. Even seeing a few permanent flag-poles in peoples front yards with our Aussie flag waving in the breeze.

The interest today as opposed to say 20 years ago is quite remarkable and it's great to see the younger generation just as keen to acknowledge and celebrate our National Day.

Don't ya just love being an Aussie!!!!

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Dredging up a tired old jibe about soap suggests that someone has so much pride in country that there's no room for any pride in self.

Bwahaha, Lol, Roflmao, Pffft.....

Roll eyes, reach for the barf bag.

'Dredging up a tired old jibe about soap suggests that someone has so much pride in country that there's no room for any pride in self.'

Gee, that makes about as much sense as Quez's 'final nail in right wing Mantra' rant. LOL

Phone a friend, perhaps he can explain it to you. If not, ask God for some divine inspiration tonight in your prayers. Perhaps he can also help you to find the opinion poll referred to elsewhere because "God knows" you're obviously incapable of performing that elementary task yourself.

Chivas is as Aussie as Menzies and Hanson..

and he's proud of it..

tell me Chivas, was the 50's you fav era also..?

Poor ol' Quez, pride in ones country is something that he'll never know about.
Nothing to be proud about in 'Mother England' is there Quez? You couldn't wait to get out of the dump and get out here.

How long were you out here before you discovered soap and towels for the first time? LOL

Fair point Quez, got a laugh at this end. The fact that cane toads have been inculcated into our culture enough to bear the moniker of the great Qld representative rugby league team pretty much makes them at least as Aussie as Chivas, and probably far more so. Not that that was WCF's point as most of us know.

Pretty funny how all the trolls and bad posters on here are all lefties and hopeless punters.

Maybe we should just call them dung beetles from now on cause that's where they spend most of their time.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, ss long as the uber red neck is tied to his keyboard and slurping his pea soup, the rest of the word is safe..

'I've said it before and I'll say it again, ss long as the uber red neck is tied to his keyboard and slurping his pea soup, the rest of the word is safe..'

Glad you feel it's now safe to venture out into the big wide world, Quez.

Safe enough to make that return trip back to Pommeyland, perhaps?

Sad quez leaves the house?

Must be to get maccas and hand in his dole form

"Good old Australian as a cane toad."
That was a bit too subtle for the Count (oops forgot the "u" initially).

yep, Grey, I shouldve added a disclaimer that my comment was tongue-in-cheek and that I know he ...I mean cane-toads(sic) are an introduced pest.

Gee Greyshot, three days trying to think up an original response and you couldn't do it.
Had to steal one of Maccamax's old long-running jokes in the hope of looking clever.

Didn't work.

The too-hard basket is obviously overflowing and your homework list is getting longer and longer Chivas. My guess is that, much like your school days, we'll never see it. No doubt in your chosen company that's a very Australian trait, and something to be cherished.

"Gee, could you write a more embarrassing post there Tiggerish.."

Yes Quez I could, but you've taken most of the "most embarrassing post" awards and no doubt there will be many more to come from you.

I could've also tried for the most embarrassing thread, but it seems you sewed that one up with your Q-Tips thread too.

I do apologise Chivas, forgot about my promise to reduce everything to primary speak for you and your forum mate.

While it's clear to all but yourself (and Weight Special, but that goes without saying really) that you missed the point of WCF's barb you now seem to have embarked on a new drive to re-educate us as to what's Australian and what isn't.

Semi-seriously, how about you have a go at telling us what qualifies people and things for "Australianship". Obviously boganism, artlessness and naivety are all requirements in your circles but beyond that what makes an Aussie an Aussie these days? I'd like to inform my Indian restaurant owner later today - after attending my imported religious observance and driving to his establishment in my imported car wearing my imported clothes and shoes of course.

Oh for the peace of the uncluttered mind of a simpleton.

LOL Clueless Geelong dives in to help Herman and now we need to throw out two life-rings.

Neither has a clue what they're on about.

Perhaps Geelong can help Herman find his missing winning tip.

Gee, could you write a more embarrassing post there Tiggerish...

lift you game eh...

deary me

And here's Quez talking about someone else leaving insults.....again.

Not long after he claimed Australians were "ungrateful goons"

Perhaps he left England because he got tired of him and his family being ask to play the Oompa Loompa's in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical.

Toads are more intelligent than Geelong.

So allow me to sum up your argument Chivas. In essence what you're saying is that cane toads arrived in this land before you did, like you they were born here but are not indigenous, and like you they're treated with disdain in many quarters. Please feel free to correct any errors.

Your beliefs seem to make no distinction between humans and cane-toads, mine do, so I really don't understand what you're on about.

Do you see yourself as having no greater worth on this planet than a cane-toad?

Can you elaborate on what you're on about?

Oh I imagine Chivas was a huge Joh Bjelke, and Pauline H fan...he profiles beautifully as that type..

And how do you profile, Quez?
1. Pommey
2. Unemployed
3. Whinger

That quite an unenviable trifecta you've got there.

The unintentional irony of Chivas. People have been known to travel millimetres and pay good Joh nuts to see worse.

You must Quezza because you keep coming back to read what the Count has to say LOL

They are only showing it because it sell and makes money.

When I was in the US they had a channel set up running all day on the guy in Cleveland who kidnaped 3 teenage girls then raped and kept captive for years. They did it for OJ Simpson as well. Why because it sells.

Some people like that sort of stuff. It's no different to us liking our sports or coming here to the forum. Each to their own.

Who cares what you think Chivas...??

seriously...who the hell cares..??

NO ONE is who.

Quez, what you mean is, how many whinging Poms like yourself, care.
And you're right when you say, none.
But like all whinging Poms, you never miss an opportunity to have a whinge about anything.

Good old Australian as a cane toad.

Is that right, Herman?
The cane toad was introduced up here in the 1930s from Hawaii, though it was originally from South America.
It was supposed to help eradicate the cane-beetle that was damaging the sugar-cane crops but ended up becoming a bigger pest than the beetle itself.

So there you have it Herman, you were wrong again, no surprises there.
Lucky I'm here to set you straight.

Best you stick to subjects you're familiar with, like Herman Munster and famous Tasmanian champion racehorses - if there's such a thing. LOL

Found your last winning tip yet? Do you need a torch?

He's actually garnered a fair few positive responses on this thread quez. It's created a decent discussion.

Quite unlike your Hunt Club camel racing thread where you conversed with yourself.

Or your Q tips thread where you were a laughing stock before running off to hide for a few months, too embarrassed to return.

Yes, yes, I know.

Liar, welcher etc.

I'm learning to live with it.

Ascribing your own invented notions to someone else and then endeavouring to knock them down is a technique even older than you Chivas, although unlike your efforts it's often done with a tad of panache and credibility. Still, I have little doubt it stretches your intellect considerably. I'm not sure if you're feigning stupidity or you're simply naturally thick but the image of a hick slowly extricating pieces of his own straw man to suck on comes readily to mind for obvious reasons.

Since you've yet to work it out, here's a clue - the forum tennis I play with you is little more than a bit of fun-poking at your simplistic ideas and belief systems. It's a longshot but it might come in handy at sometime in the distant future because the day I engage you in serious discussion about any complex issue is the day I'll know to book in for some neuroimaging. Not that I disrespect your views of course. How do you put it - lol, rofl, roflmao?

I've already answered your "question" but let me r-e-p-e-a-t i-t f-o-r y-o-u s-l-o-w-l-y:

Long winded, how is a dozen lines long winded ?, seriously stop talking to him Geelong, he's only able to read two lines of text with a LOL and an insult..

I'm not one to get carried away by national fervour in general Chivas and I can't say "pride in the flag" as you probably think of it has ever been a priority for me. We as a nation have much to hang our hats on (as do most others) but that doesn't mean we should gloss over our national errors or whitewash the truth because it might not show Australia in a good light. As history shows, where "pride" in country /"flag" dominates logic and conscience and clouds judgement it often results in disastrous outcomes. That the greatest proponents of mindless "pride in flag" ideas are ultra nationalists of the extreme right might tell you something.

Can't recall you having anything significant to say on previous ANZAC day threads. Perhaps you were away? Searching the forum is a simple matter. I suggest you do it.

Very evasive and long-winded way of telling us that you have no pride in your country and no time for the ANZACs.
What an absolute grub!

Geelong has plenty of time for himself.

6 lines is no doubt "long-winded" for someone with challenged comprehension and the attention span of a goldfish Chivas but it's unbecoming of a supposedly adult human, even a con such as yourself. Evasive? I thought it was pretty straightforward myself but I'll take your criticism onboard and remember to put my comments into primary-school speak for your benefit in future. To stop you having endless sleepless nights worrying about the meaning of my last post, in a nutshell, here's what I said: your concept of national pride is simplistic, ignorant nonsense.

Having trouble with the forum search function are you? Entirely understandable in your case, it's a very complex task, almost as complex as reading beyond 100 words.

Here's a tip on writing: after a century or more of usage on the same forum "grubs", "clowns" and other puerile epithets become tedious and have no more effect than limp-wristed slap with a feather. Try using a thesaurus or Google to find a few more-interesting insults. Or, simply pray for help.

It's a simple request, Geelong, tell us your feelings on Australia Day and Anzac Day.

My opinion is obvious, and you only have to go as far as this very thread to see that I love the flag, I love Australia Day and I celebrate ANZAC Day.

For someone who's known for ream upon ream of mind-numbing waffle when the subject is the ALP and Global-Warming, I find it strange that you can't give us even a yes or no answer as to whether you're a proud Aussie who supports ANZAC day.

I'll take your non-response as a 'No' so my summing-up of your character seems spot-on.

You say that Britain has no say in the everyday running of out country
But the Queen's representative is required to approve all legislation that our elected parliament passes. Our democratically elected govt cannot pass a law without getting royal assent
And the British royals can sack our government

You say they wouldn't
But they have
It has happened in the current monarch's reign

As for lack of bias, since Kerr we have had Bill Hayden, Hollingsworth and Bill Shorten's mother in law.
Surely some possibility of bias

You are right when you say that these days it practically has no effect. But it could, and it has


Capt, Royal Assent is merely a ticking off of formalities. I doubt the GG even looks at legislation once it has passed both Houses.

No one lives in squalor in Oz do they MDumb...?


Far less than in the toilet you escaped from thicko - and that we all know you'll never go back to.

The queen's representative has sacked our democratically elected government
This has happened in recent history
Whether you think it should have happened or not
It makes a lie of you saying they have no influence on our politics IMBHO


Captain Obvious.

Firstly, that was nearly 40 years ago - not sure if that qualifies as "recent history" - and much has changed since then. Even then the sacking happened after much consultation with, and lobbying from, the Opposition at the time. We also had the situation then of the GG being very much on the conservative side of politics. Not sure if they're as blatantly biased these days.

Yes, the GG still officially retains this power but to say they have any influence over the everyday running of the country is a nonsense. As I say, if they did, we'd be living in squalor like them.

Flag draping has never been able to cover a red neck.

Anything positive to say about Australia Day or ANZAC Day, Geelong?

Any pride in our flag or our diggers?

Give us your opinion.

I have been taking my daughters to ANZAC Day ceremonies since they were 6 years old, never missed one. I'm a proud Australian just not a rabid nationalist.

Glad to hear that you take your kids to the ANZAC day ceremonies.

Let's just hope they never decide to wrap themselves in the Aussie flag on Australia day, I'd hate to see them punished for being rabid nationalists.

This will be very interesting. I suggest you take cover Quezza because I can hear the incoming right about now, to your last comments :)

Id!ot or gee up.

Either way quez is an id!ot.

Nothing surer.

People the world over all have opinions. Nothing to do with wars.


Funny coming from GS when he bans people from having opinions diff to his Roflmao!!!!!!@@

'I am a proud Australian but I don't feel the need to display it overtly in public forums'.

'Gee I thought that our ANZACs fought for our freedom so that we would be able to have our say.'

Chivas very selective publishing there. You left out the abuse you fired at me for making the first statement.
IMO a non flag waving person who allows people to express their own opinions without the threat of abuse is a better Australian than one who wraps himself in the flag and abuses anyone who won't join him.
Just my opinion.
Thank you ANZACs for ensuring that I am allowed an opinion.

'IMO a non flag waving person who allows people to express their own opinions without the threat of abuse is a better Australian than one who wraps himself in the flag and abuses anyone who won't join him.'

Well Greyshot,
IMO a non flag-waving person who turns-up on a thread that celebrates Australia Day, with nothing but scorn for those who like to wave the flag, is fair game.

You asked for it, and you got it.
You can try to justify your negative opinions on this thread as much as you like, but the bottom line is, you got what you deserved.

BTW..If you really want to thank the ANZACs then go and thank them at this year's Dawn-Service, or maybe you don't feel the need to overtly display your Aussie pride on ANZAC day either.

Chivas last time I checked my families passports where European, it's nice to be able to go there anytime to travel or live should the need arise, like I did in 91 till 2000 also last time I checked, Australia is part of the commonwealth, so Australia is just like another leg of the UK but with beaches and sunshine..

Commonwealth should remain imo, I see no reason to relinquish this fine land to a self governed "republic", then watching it go down the toilet because of terrible political decisions, made by very ordinary politicians, become a soft target for our neighbors or to be taken over by radicals..

You and your family have got European passports quez?
You being British are you sure about that ?


"Commonwealth should remain imo, I see no reason to relinquish this fine land to a self governed "republic", then watching it go down the toilet because of terrible political decisions, made by very ordinary politicians, become a soft target for our neighbors or to be taken over by radicals.."

I've had my disagreements with Chivas on this and other topics Quez, but now you're just displaying your ignorance. Do you honestly think Oz is not self governed now and/or Britain has any say in our political decisions? If we weren't and they did, the place would already be down the drain, just like yours already is.

'so Australia is just like another leg of the UK but with beaches and sunshine.'

Yeah right, how many Australians do you reckon see it that way?
Just admit it, you left England because it's a dump and you never intend living there permanently again.

So don't call us ungrateful goons, we never walked-out on our own country.

Decent horse racing
Decent cricket team
Proper rugby league comp

What do the poms have? They have decent ales but otherwise what a dump!

My family are English and don't want the flag changed obviously, just because they migrated here does not mean they abandoned England, many people move around for better work or weather, does not mean they disown their heritage, this country is built on immigrants who continue to be proud of their birth countries.. anything else ..?

'just because they migrated here does not mean they abandoned England'

Dictionary definition of abandon = 'To leave completely and finally'.

So, given that you don't think you abandoned Mother England, when do you and your family plan on moving back?

Asap would be good!

Chivas where have I bagged out anything about Australia...??

Please find the references that are serious in nature where I bag out Australia and not linked to some UK V Ozzy horses banter that is common here..


Poor old chivas...

hows the still going...?

Poor old chivas...

hows the still going...?''

Unlike yourself, I'm going well Quez.

Still waiting for you to explain why you dumped Pommey-land to come and live out here and then spend the rest of your life whinging about how bad everything is here.

“Anyone seen Whips?

For those who haven't, he's performing his accidental comedy routine daily on this site.”

I started reading and thought you might have got it together and come up with something funny, then it turned out the joke was already used…..on him by me. LMAO

What a hopeless pest, don't you have some confessing to do pest for your embarrassing posts?

I don’t know where Quez is but I know where the serial pest is……there he is 4 times in a row. ROFLMAO

You must have an exciting life peanut.

Anyone seen Whips?

For those who haven't, he's performing his accidental comedy routine daily on this site.

His current topics are global warming, communist Russia and tennis, hasn't got a clue about any of them. LOL

Don't miss him.

It is not correct to say that Australian soldiers fought and died in the world wars for the blue ensign.

The blue ensign did not become Australia's national flag until the passage of the Flag Act in 1953. The flag of the AIF was the Union Jack. The flags borne by Australian troops other than the Union flag were commonly the red ensign or the white naval ensign.

Check this out. It is a picture of the opening of Parliament House in 1927. See if you can find a blue ensign ...

The red ensign was used by all merchant shipping (and still is) and for all civil and commercial purposes. The blue ensign was only used (prior to 1953) for government purposes.

Rollo Kingsford Smith DSO AM DFC, flew in Australian and British squadrons from 1939 to 1945, achieving the rank of wing commander. He says the argument that Australian troops fought and died for the current Australian flag

" conveniently ignores the fact that few Australians who fought in the two world wars did so under today's flag - the majority of those who served under a flag would have done so under Australia's Red Ensign, the navy's White Ensign or the Union Jack."

There is too much myth making surrounding Australian nationalism. The nation was not founded on 26 January 1788. A prison was.

Our troops did not fight and die for the blue ensign. That has only been our national flag since 1953.

A little over 200 years and already you lot want to flog off your history and dump the country that gave birth to your current ways of life..

yeah nice one..

ungrateful goons..

Are you really that thick?

Because some here want a new flag design without the Union Jack on it, you claimed that they were dumping the mother country that gave birth to our current way of life.
Ungrateful goons, you called them.

So, if Mother England is dumped by Australians and you consider us 'ungrateful goons' then how do you describe your own family, who are English, and who dumped Mother England to come and live out here among the - ungrateful goons?

Is that plain enough for you to understand?

So Quez,
Tell us why you dumped the country of your birth to come over here and live in a land of ungrateful goons.

You really are a complete clown.


Anyone seen Quez?

Not at all quez. Nobody is talking about dumping anything. It's all about having a flag that is more representative of modern day Australia. The history associated with how we arrived at where we are now must always be remembered.

We all have our own view on the subject of the flag and even being part of the Commonwealth. I'm happy with our flag and being part of the commonwealth. If people want the flag changed and to leave the commonwealth, then we'll need to vote on it. In the mean time there are far more pressing matters for the government to deal with, rather than take a vote on the flag

So a simple vote is beyond the Aussies but other countries can do it.

There will always be other problems to worry about.

No need to become a republic to change the flag.

The anthem is horrible also. Should get Paul Kelly to write a new one while he is alive.

That's the whole problem right there Speedy.
Not everyone wants a new flag, not everyone wants a republic and not everyone wants a new anthem.

I agree, there are more important things to worry about and these issues are not life and death matters, so let's just accept what we've got for now, and go with the status quo.

No flag will make everyone happy. Not least the current one.

I think I'd like to see the flag stay the same. It's the only flag I've know and there is a lot of history behind it. We can't change our past, only our future. A great deal of people have died in wars, peace keeping and helping out other people in need overseas. In countries far less fortunate than ours. In my view to change the flag changes our identity in some way.

Dying in wars has got nothing to do with a flag. Wars are about power and control not flags.

Canada changed their flag and it's instantly recognised as distinctively Canadian. Nothing about Aust's flag that is Aussie at all. The colours arent even right and Aussies dont care for the pommie union jack khrap.


Well said WS. Do people really think we go to war fighting for a piece of cloth and that if the design on that cloth changes it somehow detracts from their efforts?!

Well said Relic.

A great deal of people died in wars that we should not have been involved in too.

I'm with Weight Special here.

We have an essentially British flag with the Southern Cross on it.

We recognise and remember the deeds of our soldiers and their efforts in wars fought very well. I don't believe we need to fly a British flag to enhance that or stand along side it.

At this point in time it's impossible to design a flag that appeals to everyone and represents everyone the way they feel they should be represented.

That being the case, I don't see our flag changing anytime soon.

Maybe it will change to coincide with the establishment of an Australian republic, that would make sense.

Then again, I don't see us becoming a republic anytime soon either.

It's a funny thing the Union Jack.
It's there to reflect the role played by the British in colonizing Australia and the large part of our heritage. It does bit however have anything to do with Ireland, a country that supplied a huge number of immigrants and deportees dating right back to the start.


I don't really see why any future flag HAS to have on it a representation of our British settlement - Canada's doesn't and nor does most other countries still in the Commonwealth and/or that were settled by Britain.

To not have the Union Jack, for example, on the flag doesn't mean we are turning our back on the past. I would much rather see significant acknowledgement of a people that have been here for 40,000 years than those who have been here for 200.

Also, where do you draw the line - it's not just Britain that made the country what it is today. In fact I would suggest that modern Oz would be nowhere near as good to live were it not for the influence of a myriad of other countries, so do we also have representation of Italy, Greece, Vietnam, etc?

Wasn't it in the late 40s that the Republic of Ireland was formed ? So at the time it did represent them ?

I think it was the 1920s when Ireland became its own state.

The cross of St Patrick is part of the Union Jack but this seems to hold little relevance for the people of Ireland and the Union Jack was never something they chose or adopted willingly at any time in history as far as I know.

NZ is talking about changing their flag.

Not quite betto, the Kingdom of Ireland existed until 1 Jan 1801 when it became part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland under the Acts of the Union 1800 and for the 260 years prior to that time was represented by its own standard, a gold harp on a blue background.

I don't think I've ever really seen nationalistic flag waving pride to be a positive uplifting activity outside of Sportsman draping the flag over themselves at the Olympics..

It's funny though that Chivas enjoys waving the Aussie one, that big ol' union jack in the corner looks a treat eh

it just warms my heart..

'It's funny though that Chivas enjoys waving the Aussie one, that big ol' union jack in the corner looks a treat eh'

Indeed it does, but why it funny, Quez?

Like many Australians, my ancestors can be traced back to the UK - England and Ireland in fact, so I guess the Union Jack on our flag is as much a part of my past heritage as the Southern-Cross is of my present and future.

Our colonial ties to Britain should be reflected on our flag and the Union Jack is probably the most appropriate representation of those ties.

I doubt we'll see a change from our current flag while there is still so many of the older generation around.
An older generation who, as kids, saluted the flag every day at school assemblies and who, as adults, fought under it at war.
Be pretty hard for them to accept a new flag.

I hope any new future flag design incorporates some recognition of our ties with Britain, even if it's just a strip of red, white and blue somewhere on it.

Naturally, it has to be a design that the indigenous Australians can accept, something that can convey a blending of two cultures rather than a forcing together of them.

I doubt it will happen in my time, but as Rachael Hunter once said 'It will happen'.

On the other hand it's quite easy to believe that you'd find some incongruity in the statements when they're entirely compatible.

On the ball MD.
Totally agree.
Plus most of these bogans and 'others' will
tell you "We are not raciest".


How unAustralian can you get?
Abusing someone because they disagree with your point of view?
Gee I thought that our ANZACs fought for our freedom so that we would be able to have our say.
Perhaps their blood was spilt for nothing after all.

'I am a proud Australian but I don't feel the need to display it overtly in public forums'.

'Gee I thought that our ANZACs fought for our freedom so that we would be able to have our say.'

Hard to believe that these two quotes are from the same guy.

Of course Geelong, there is no doubting the role played by the British in our heritage and history. If they didn't colonise Australia things would be very different and none of us would be here. None of that should ever be lost on us.

We are however our own country forging our own path forward and have been for some time. The relevance of the British Empire is diminishing rapidly in terms of everyday Australian life and quite frankly the British Royal family are not much more than a novelty these days. Media and paparazzi fodder that fill the women's magazines and the like.

Our flag needs to display modern day Australia. How that is displayed I don't know and it's obviously going to sit in the too hard basket for a long time. The blue, white and red colours hold no relevance to modern Australia, nor does the Union Jack. Those things are a throw back to a past rich in British history but for the new generation don't mean much. How long have our national colours been displayed in vivid greens and golds? All of my life at least and I'm rising 45.

You don't need to abandon the past and the reasons why this great country is what it is but you still need to move ahead and be more representative of what modern Australia is. We have surpassed the British in so many ways over the last century it's time to break free and detach ourselves from British Royalty and the associated things that come with. Blue, white and red should be first.

My opinion. Feel free to disagree.

At least I'm sure we all agree that Australia is great.

I'd like to see a new flag when independence finally dawns on this nation Lister but I've yet to see anything which appeals greatly. I for one am thankful for the huge part Britain played in Australia's chequered European history. The Poms bestowed on "us" many things which underpin our way of life. They also gave many of us life itself.

I really don't think you realise or appreciate how good we have it here in Australia until you travel overseas.

The flag is dead boring and so is the anthem.

Australia has the best mix of sports, good natural landscape, good food and wine but its fairly bland in terms of everyday culture. It is like life is totally geared towards weekends. Other countries have more things going on during the week.


Good post WS. I love this country and wouldn't live elsewhere, but you do realise the culture it lacks when you go o/s. You also realise what a nasty counter-culture it is starting to develop.

As far as flag waving goes, I don't mind it per se but it has also become the symbol for bogans looking to cause trouble based on their racist views. I think I am very patriotic but to me true patriotism isn't about waving a flag and shouting how great the place is and if you don't like it you can eff off. No, to me, those who truly love their country recognise its flaws and want to do something about them.

Btw, was a ripper of an Australia Day weekend this year - relief from the heat, great stages of the TDU and great to see an Aussie, riding for an Aussie team, win it - and, most importantly, I haven't heard any news of too much trouble.

Spot on MD.

That "in your face" flag waving is hardly the Australian way.

"As far as flag waving goes, I don't mind it per se but it has also become the symbol for bogans looking to cause trouble based on their racist views. I think I am very patriotic but to me true patriotism isn't about waving a flag and shouting how great the place is and if you don't like it you can eff off. No, to me, those who truly love their country recognise its flaws and want to do something about them."

On the money MD. I have a pretty similar view.

How insightful of you Weight Special. A bit rich really coming from someone like you who spends twenty four hours a day blathering on as a self proclaimed expert in relation to every topic on this forum.

Take a bow Relic. It's a time for celebrating our good fortune anyway we wish (within obvious limits), not the mindless jingoisn of my country right or wrong. Do whatever you want on Australia Day, even protest against it if you wish (I can feel the incoming already). That's Aussie.

The one thing that's overdue is a change of date so that the day is more inclusive.

Australia Day is great. I love it. I love Australia.

Two things however need to change for me.

The date.
It's wrong and smacks of exclusivity. The intent behind the day and the celebrations are meant to reflect what a diverse wonderful nation we are. The date deflates this in my opinion.

The flag.
It's got the Union Jack on it. Enough said.

It's a problem. The date is inappropriate symbolically but the fact is it is perfectly convenient being a long weekend at the end of the summer break before the kids go back to school. It's the great Australian long weekend.

But most folks celebrate getting out of jail.

We're a weird mob.

More boganism from the redneck...

lets see, we've had GW denying, believes in GOD, is uber patriotic...LOL

errr I think we are getting the picture now...

'lets see, we've had GW denying, believes in GOD, is uber patriotic...LOL'

Yes Quez, let's see, indeed.

You've put up a list of beliefs and ideals that are shared by the majority of people on this planet.

So keep making a fool of yourself little 'minority man', it's something that you've become famous for, not just on this forum, but on the internet as a whole.


Spoken like a true hick. Thankfully not all Australians are straw-munching jingoists. It's not generally applicable but in your case Samuel Johnson got it spot on.

I'd say it doesn't matter how you celebrate Australia Day. It is a day to celebrate our great nation. It's a day to remember the people who came before us. The people that are here now and the people that will be here in the future. We're all Aussies and very lucky to be living in this great country of ours.

Be proud to be Australian and celebrate this great country of ours

Dead right Greyshot. Chivas obviously thinks all Australians are made in his image.

Flag waving appeals to some but this guy has far more insight and says it far better:

"Put away the flags and enjoy your country on Australia Day."

Chivas would have conjured up all this Australia Day emotion and puffed out his chest then looked for a one punch victim preferably female or under the age of 18.

He wouldn't know what being Australian is about.

The trio of bitterness - Greyshot, LostaClue and Geelong.
I wonder if these miserable clowns have the same feelings in regard to Anzac Day?

What a disgrace they are!

Wrapping yourself in the Australian flag is a good thing?
I still have vivid memories of Cronulla a few years ago.
I am a proud Australian but I don't feel the need to display it overtly in public forums.

Wrapping yourself in the Australian flag is a good thing?'

Is it a bad thing? What do you find so distasteful about someone wrapping themselves in their country's flag on their country's national day? It's a tradition practised the world over.

'I still have vivid memories of Cronulla a few years ago'.

Unless you were in the middle of the riot, I doubt whether you could possibly have 'vivid' memories of it, you're just using the riot to justify your un-Australian rant.

'I am a proud Australian but I don't feel the need to display it overtly in public forums.'

A 'proud Australian' who shows contempt towards those wanting to acknowledge 'Australia Day' on an Australian forum?

You? A proud Australian? In what way?

Great video-clip there Todman, what a night that was!

The British Conservative politician Boris Johnson has been named Honorary Australian of the Year in the UK by the Australia Day Foundation.

"I am very proud and a bit baffled by the award, but I think it is because I am the mayor of the 12th largest Australian city here in London," Mr Johnson said.

I suspect there would be more than a few who are baffled.

Precisely, Greyshot.

Beyond that, here is Adam Goodes politicised to neutralise the harm being done to the people coming in on boats.

Quez just copped a backyard cricket bat across the back of the melon for being......well, Quez.

Nice work Todman, for both posts :)

Todman by very nature your second post is indeed trolling..

I accept your assessment of my post as after all Quez, you are a master.

Well said Chivas.

Excellent contribution as usual quez.

Also, it's a surprise to see he who knows nothing, he who takes great joy out of knocking all things OZ, he who can never pick a winner, he who delights in picking losers and he who is the resident Group 1 expert, coming out again on the eve of our day of celebration.

One would think he would be embarrassed to show up following his litany of lies, errors and self promoting hogwash. A really thick skin, just too dumb or merely a troll - which is it. All three for mine.

Hear Hear Count.

I listened to this clip early this morning and I nearly shed a tear of pride

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