Gai Waterhouse expects Rock Kingdom to step up and prove her assertion he is the leading three-year-old in Australasia when he takes on Metal Bender in the Rosehill Guineas, round two of the three-year-old triple crown.

Metal Bender claimed first blood in the Randwick Guineas (1600m) on March 14 aided by a ground-saving ride from Danny Nikolic along the inside when others were steering wide.

While Waterhouse is more than confident Rock Kingdom can turn the tables on Saturday, the Metal Bender camp is also certain the 2000 metres will suit their three-year-old.

"He will be even better over more ground heading to the Derby," Allan Denham said on behalf of his trainer father Jack after the Guineas.

That is also Waterhouse's belief regarding Rock Kingdom.

"He is bred to do it," she said.

"He is the most impressive three-year-old in Australasia and is my Derby horse.

"The Rosehill Guineas will prove that."
Any thoughts lol
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"The boys are overated. WBGY hasn't lived up to his spring form so far."

Good one Weetie.

First up he got nailed on the line over an unsuitable distance where his condition gave out in the last 50m. And last start he suffered severe interference and still went down by a short margin to a last start G1 winner.

How many of those three boys have actually lined up against the older horses? Or more to the point, which races would have been suitable for them as the Coolmore was for Typhoon Tracy?

Getting a bit carried away with;
"Whorememberedme" aren't some of you?

All Silent a moral to beat him home in Donny.


this is the same Gai Waterhouse who said Royal Discreation and Northern Meteor would run the quinella on saturday.

She is great for racing Gai but you can't take her comments seriously at times.


Sousa has the best 2000m win to his credit. His Vase failure was largely due to a very poor ride.

3rd up here so may not be 100% fit yet.

Rock Kingdom I backed last start and thought had every chance but wasnt good enough. Can't see any improvement there.

Metal Bender underated and should handle the 2000m ok. His sire ran 2nd to Danewin in the Doomben Cup.


How is Metal Bender under-rated?

Keeping a look out for Caymans.

Next big thing. Will fly 3rd up.


Have held this bloke in high regard but ducking out under pressure is not a good sign.

I'm a fan of Caymans too. Expecting him to start doing some good things now.

As for Sousa, I backed him the day he romped home in the Champion and remember his good win at Newcastle. If he doesn't show anything at 2000m then I will just pencil him in as a horse that won an average Spring Stakes and stole the Champion Stakes because he relished the wet better than the others. Apart from Predatory Pricer, nothing from that race has proven to be any good so the form to me looks average at best as well.

Sousa won the Spring Champion Stakes third up last prep.

A short time in training, but had a great pipe opener last run.

Whobegotyou the definate horse to beat. Way too classy to underestimate.



Not 100% fit yet??? How many trainers send their horses around in group 1's not fit yet? (excpeting staying horses running in sprints whilst fresh)

Based on Randiwck Guineas, cannot go past Metal Bender, sure he had a suck run on the paint but so did Rock Kingdom, his last 200 was outstanding and nothing indicates he will not have the same superiority over the longer distance.

Sousa actually rallied ok the last 100 of the Guineas and was up on pace but has alot of 'fitness' to make up by Saturday.

Tobique was best of the wide run on horses, the question will be which one do the father & son combo prefer to win....

Rock Kingdom every chance in Randwick Guineas but may get cheap work of this in front.

Pre Eminence the wildcard..

WBGY's runs this year have been fair but about 3 lengths below his Guineas form.

3 Cox Plates ROFLMAO

No AAMI Vase winner has even won 1.

"No AAMI Vase winner has even won 1 [Cox Plate]."

The usual nonsense from Speedless. So there's been about 25 editions of the AAMI Vase (and maybe a few couldnt have competed in the Plate anyway) and that proves....? Naturalism fell when favourite in a Plate, Efficient won a Melb Cup, Diatribe a Caulfield Cup, Gold Guru beat Might and Power in a G1. You can hardly rule out WBGY for winning such a race.

(Would you have said Northerly couldnt win Cox Plates because Peter Stakes winners had never won one?!!!)

Just because you can get a Derby trip doesn't make you the best 3YO.

The 4 best 3YO's in Aus are;

Mic Mac (had enough when beaten last time but showed he was better than the same horses the start before)
Whobegotyou (pretty evident)
Heart Of Dreams (should be unbeaten and 1 - 1 with Whoby)
Fair Trade (in Hong Kong)

haven't seen anything to suggest elsewise.

"The 4 best 3YO's in Aus are;

Mic Mac (had enough when beaten last time but showed he was better than the same horses the start before)
Whobegotyou (pretty evident)
Heart Of Dreams (should be unbeaten and 1 - 1 with Whoby)
Fair Trade (in Hong Kong)

Typhoon Tracy is better than most of them and she beat the older mares. Sex restricted but she's the only 3yo to beat the older horses in a group 1 this season.

The boys are overated. WBGY hasn't lived up to his spring form so far.

Metal Bender should win the Derby

Toblique is the danger for mine.

Just on Whobegotyou, Im all over him next prep..

Just add this line alongside Whobegotyou if you aren't sure who he is.

"Australia's best racehorse by panels"


I am going to say this now.

Whobegotyou will win 3 Cox Plates.

What is the standard of WFA racing in Australian like now??

Any takers??

I'm warming to Tobique myself.

Anyone else?


3 cox plates is excessive.

If he remains fit and only runs to the mile this prep. Whobe will win 2009 Cox plate.

Yes Nige, so am I. Looks like he will get better and better as the trips get longer.

I'll be giving Whobegotyou a miss for a while. The hype has got to great! His run on Saturday was good, but if a superstar like we are told he wins. Forget Emperor Bonparte breaking down, WHOBE was not inconvinienced by the incident, it layed in - in straight.

Might win some big races but too short

I'd say the bookies would have some idea.

Current Cox Plate Market as follows :

Whobegotyou $7
Heart of Dreams $26
Metal Bender $41
Rock Kingdom $81

I think I know which of the 4 I would like to own!

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