Greg Miles

Does anyone know is Greg Miles return to calling the Melbourne races on Sky last weekend is a permanent move or if it just a one off.

It was great to hear Australia’s premier race caller again without having to listen on the radio.
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Bryan Martin was the worst at getting carried away with a win. The 2006 Derby, when Efficient beat Gorky Park and Teranabaa, "oh, this is a champion!".
I think he also labelled I Got Chills a champ. Last Spring he got one race completely wring when he called Husson Lightning in front for about 250m when it was Here De Angels.

Errrrr . . . Did Efficient not turn out to be almost a star though?
He may have been getting a touch carried away at the time but the proof his been in the pudding hasn't it?

The proof is in the eating of the pudding. Not in the pudding.

Exactly Mooksta. The eating of the pudding. Slackjaw straightened a few wayward types out on this matter several years ago but it's a common mistake.

Still Greg Miles for mine, but no doubt Shean has made up considerable ground over the last twelve months.

One time leader Ian Craig starting to fade noticeably; Don't mind Alan Thomas or Darren McCaulay; Wayne Wilson & Hilton Donaldson drive me up the wall.

Of the Aussies O/S, I don't mind Jim McGrath at all, and Darren Flindell does a pretty good job for mine. Still waiting to hear a remotely listenable American caller.


seventh: Tend to disagree with you about Thomas, he calls well and is a pretty accurate too.
His slight downfall is he focuses a little too much on hot favs and well backed runners, where they are and how they're travelling abit too much.
It makes him lose sight of some of the other runners at times.

Poor 'ole Ronny Papps, he was more concerned with calling who sired the horses in running, than the actual runners themselves.


When did Alan Thomas say that Bikkie Tin Blues was gpoing to win a cox plate. Never. He was impressed with the win and said that it was an impressive win but he did not say it was going to go on to win a cox plate or anything. Also it did go on to win a newcastle cup so it wasn't a whacker.

Did anyone hear on Saturday Miles called Nicconi, Niconero for most of the race, who is his half brother?

Not only that two races later he called Danrossa as Dan Duchess who is running at Donald today?

Lay off the bourbons on a Saturday arvo buddy.

Hey Count,

Go to the TAB website and have a listen to replays of both races you pelican.

You obviously weren't listening very hard Count

I thought Mark Shean was terrible when I first heard him but he's grown on me.He's very accurate and doesn't make many mistakes.
Don't mind him now.I must say though it's time somebody tapped Ian Craig on the shoulder.

Mark Shean is excellent and I reckon he's a good judge too.

Miles is alright but I don't reckon as great as most on here seem to think. Agree with Pink the "champion becomes a legend" line was nauseating.

Best commentator is "Pommy" Jim McGrath :)

2 of the Oz racecallers o/s are pitiful, Jim McGrath being one of them. He has no idea, picks up horses late, etc. Same goes with the clown that calls in Japan. I sympathize with the fact that some horses' names me be hard to pronounce but he misses all sorts of things.

I thought Greg Miles' "a champion becomes a legend" was great.

Alan Thomas is the best IMO.

Agree with you Marbine on Jim McGrath. His call of the Golden Jubilee at Royal Ascot last year was pitiful because for the first 600 metres he continually called Takeover Target who led all the way except for the last stride as Rising Shadow who was in last place through the first 600 metres. It was only at the mid point of the race that he finally realised his mistake. A bit hard to confuse Takeover Target’s red/black silks with the red/white silks of Rising Shadow I would have thought.


Simplest was cruising coming to the corner mate. Miles called it as he saw it. The horse ran a nice fifth because the horse is a dog.

What do you want Miles to do? Hit the thing up with a jigger? Pop him over a few jumps maybe you muppet?


Alan Thomas told us that Bikkie Tin Blues was going to win the Cox Plate a year or two ago after he won a 2MW win race at Doomben.

His voice is almost too hard to listen to.

And whatsmore his race-calling is very biased in regards to his own back pocket. You can tell what he has backed in every race.

Bikkie Tin Blues was last seen whacking away at the abatoir's treble down the side at Flemington.

I think i pointed on the 22/4 post to jmf that they all make mistakes, Miles called the wrong winner once, it happens to them all.
The problem is that it seems that we are unable to knock anything about Victoria.
I admit Sydney racing has a lot of problems, run mainly by dopes i think.But i recognise that.
Melbourne, well how many times to we have to go to the races and they are called off before a race is run or one or two races..What about the ridiculous watering policy and the stewards who uphold protests that wouldn't be upheld anywhere.What about the stewards making a horse run in the wrong gear then they want to fine the trainer.
Yes everything is rosy in Victoria.

Fair call about BTB 7th but I didn't say I fancied his tipping, just his calling. I like him, so I'm happy :-)

To All,

What are your thoughts on Jim Jacques (spellcheck needed) in Adelaide? How good is he!

I don't invest on the carts because my selections had a magnetic attraction to being five back on the rails and seeing more rump that a butcher shop.

I don't know why Jim's parents selected his christian name unless they liked to hear him called JJ, but, I tell you what. He is one great caller. I reckon he can make a three day old pizza sound tasty.

Gee I like to avoid the red hots.



PS On Mark Shean, I thought he picked Valedictum up very late in his victory on Saturday. This was no bet race for me and I have only watched it three times so I could be wrong. He is getting better by the week, trying to vary tone and sound more enthusiastic.

There is only one thing i want from a race caller. When he calls a race, I need to know where my horse is. I may not know the colours or the television does not show the colours clearly. I can do the rest. Greg Miles tells me every time big fields and small.

Ron Papps? I thought his name was Wrong Perhaps.

Couldn't agree more Count Chivas

Those two words (Champion and Legend) are used far too loosly in sport these days.

However they were used more than appropriately that day.


First 'legend' I've seen which lost 60% of its races. Count Plod thinks it's fine for a mare who was a CHAMPION (albeit domestic-competent) for one year to be termed a legend yet he'd call a world superstar like Deep Impact 'a dud'. LOL.

n.b. Delta Blues smashed our stayers yet couldn't get within a football field's length of the great Deep Impact in any clash.

Deep Impact Last to First World Record Tenno Sho: 1

Greg Miles Water Truck Tribute: 0

lol marbine
Overall, Australia and NZ have a great bunch of callers.

Nothing wrong with Greg Miles, a joy to listen to on the weekend he is a fine caller and no doubt one of the best. I said that about Hilton too a few weeks back. I don't like bagging out callers, its a hard craft, however Mark Shean isnt my cup of tea. Seems like a nice bloke who would be better in some other capacity. But anyone knocking Miles and elevating Mark Shean has problems. Next post i am going to read will be about how youthful Kevin Thompson sounds calling Harold Park!! I think they have the extra ambulance at the track just for him.

Carl i think i remember you saying you were a budding racecaller, lets hear you.Why dont you post something on you tube, even after the race and i don't think you would get warm.
There's a challenge for you.

No just pointing out that they are all human.
I think Miles is blessed with an extrodinary voice and without it he would be average to say the least.
As for Carl well, you think Hilton can call and you are about the only one in Australia.

Greg Miles's racecall of the Diva's third Melbourne Cup is now the benchmark that all up and coming racecallers will strive to attain.
"Here's Makybe Diva!!!! A nation roars for a hero"...."A champion becomes a legend" it doesn't get any better than that.

Greg made sure our greatest race mare got his greatest racecall.

LOL Count Plod,

As everyone can see, The Count set this one up for a reaction - he doesn't believe what he's writing but the poor bloke is bored. So here we go....

That's no benchmark. It wasn't pudding science for plod's sake. One barnstorming water truck, one rubbed out of contention Makybe Diva Tenno Sho Thrasher, garbage Australian stayers, one excited commentator, one prepared cliche. Here's a better one:

'But this is AWESOME. It's all over for Sunline. Look at her go! .....she might be the greatest in the world Sunline...she streaks home in the Cox Plate' c/- Bryan Martin.

Johnny Tapp and many other commentators have produced hundreds of better calls than that one my dear Plod. It was a good call though.

And as everyone knows, including Count, Sunline is Australasia's greatest racemare.


Thanks for that Jones,
Anyone who was wondering why Bryan Martin decided to hang up his binoculars, need wonder no more.

Yes that would be right Count EBay Theory. Bryan M obviously retired because he was embarassed over his call of a mare that won a SECOND Cox Plate by seven lengths as opposed to getting carried away on a Tenno-Sho thrashed On A Jeune 'world beater'.


I too agree with all the positive comments made about Mark Shean. I think he is quickly becoming the nation's premier race caller.

I have up until fairly recently had Greg Miles in that possie, but I think he's tapered off a bit lately, to the point where he's become inaccurate in what he is saying compared with what is happening. Mind you, I DO NOT want his job...bugger me if I can remember the names of every horse in one race let alone their colours.

I offer the best, clearest, most exciting, and above all, unbiased race commentary in the country.

If you would like me to send you a copy of one of my fabulous archived race calls please list the winner and the race you are interested in.


"I offer the best, clearest, most exciting, and above all, unbiased race commentary in the country."

You offer nothing but delusions of grandeur.

And couldn't tip water from the middle of a lake.

Oh Lordy it's Bald Fright back from over the precipice.

Bellinda, I think you've plagiarised the extremely unfunny 'tip water/lake'. You wouldn't do that to get a ROFL would you deary? The forum yearns/churns for a return to your original creative brilliance. Please Bellinda, surely you've got one more G1 comedy routine in you. You know, another 'Imbecile's Island'??



Once again Jacobsydney is criticizing racecallers and melbourne racing.

Miles - no thanks.
Mark Shean called superbly on the weekend. He just doesn't have that deep voice that would be perfect, but overall is my no.1 at the moment.

Couldn't agree with you more. I know Mark Shean has got his knockers on this forum but I reckon he has improved out of sight in the last twelve months.His calling on Saturday was definitely a Golden Slipper performance. The pressure on race callers to get it right is pretty intense so how must it be with 5 Group 1's to call. As far as I could tell he didn't put a foot wrong and his calls were absolutely brilliant. He is exciting and accurate. His calls of Beadman & Thompson's Group 1 wins were as good as it gets. He called exactly what those two jockeys were up to. He is the equal of Greg Miles now in my opinion.

I agree with the sentiments about Mark Shean's ability as a's just a pity his voice isn't what you'd call ideal for his trade.
So Sydney's got one bloke who's a great caller, but has an ordinary voice and another fella who has a voice from the race-calling Gods, but struggles a bit at times.
Whack Ian Craig's voice on Mr Shean and everyone would be lauding him I reckon.

Shean doesn't have that special voice neither does Alan Thomas.

Bryan Martin, John Russell, Bert Bryant, Johnny Tapp stand out for mine. Greg Miles is excellent although I'm still recovering from the nausea associated with 'a champion becomes a legend'.


Infidel, that bet you had in Brisbane, was it your first bet anywhere in the last 12 months?
Maybe your horse was a late scratching. I think Alan Thomas is a great race caller and I always enjoyed Wayne Wilson.

Do you all remember the great Ronny Papps! I think he was told to retire because he was causing to much grief with the SA punters, he was a punters nightmare.



fairdinkum, would you want to be married to some of these whinging sooks? could give them the best shag ever whilst letting them watch sport and have a beer and they would still find something to whinge about.

Too true mate....the beer would be too warm, the remote too far out of arm's reach, or something...

I had my first bet for the year in a Brisbane race last week. The caller did not mention my horse in the 1600m of the race.

It sounded like the dufus who only called Media Puzzle in the Melbourne Cup. Is he still around?

bring back Tappy.......

He called it correctly. Efficient was flat footed for a number of strides before launching into his finishing run and so he was "feeling the pinch" at the moment the caller's eye passed over him. He just didn't feel it for long :)

Greg Miles is one of the best IMO. His only less-than-good Cup call was Ollie on Media Puzzle, but in the emotion of the moment I don't think many people had eyes for any other runner in the straight either.

whitegoodman: Is that the best you can come up with? Efficient was being ridden along at the 800m and Miles called it right, except the horse responded.

Miles is the best caller in the country by a mile (pardon the pun) He makes the two callers in Sydney sound like amateurs.

He is a great judge of how a horse,in particular favourites are travelling.

I think his call of the Lonhro Aust Cup was one of the best Ive heard, at no stage did he call Lonhro "gone" when he was entitled to.

Tigger Tot,

Wrong again. No caller would have been 'entitled' to call Lonhro as being 'gone' in that race. 'Gone' implies that a horse has spent all its petrol and is exhausted. Lonhro was merely having trouble getting a clear run thanks to Beadman's poor judgement on this occasion (well second occasion). He wasn't a spent force at all so once again your amateurish knowledge of horse racing down to the terminology is pretty poor.


Miles is very good but he's had some ordinary moments e.g. 2004 Melbourne Cup where it took him an age to realise that Makybe Diva had zoomed up along the rails to challenge.


Recently i watched a race with Miles sound from the radio, he said a favourite was cantering on the turn, Simplest.
Ran a nice fifth.

You can always turn the radio on and turn off the sound on the television.


Not such a good idea as where I live the Sky and TVN signal is about two seconds behind the radio signal. I'd rather not know who has won the race when the horses are still fourty metres short of the winning post on TV.

Efficient was feeling the pinch.
Others were obviously feeling it more

"Efficient feeling the pinch" around the bend in the M. Cup. I can't trust his calls again after that.
Nearly as bad as the Fox commentator who went off giving Cronulla victory on Sat night after Kimmorely missed the field goal.

We need more good callers like Miles..

I dont know who was the caller at Ballarat yesterday, but he deadset had no idea at all, I only watched a few races and in 2 of them, he called the wrong leader in the straight..
If these callers dont do their homework, they may aswell give it up..

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