Channel 7 reaching new lows in race broadcasting

What the hell is the story with the 10+ second delay in live pictures?

The race is over by the time they reach the 200.

Last year the delay was more like 3 seconds.
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Advance warning. Patsy's going to be intolerable when the 'greater Poms', aka UK, beats us in the GM count. Won't even have to extend his argument to 'Euros'. It will be a big ask but fingers crossed our cyclists can hold them off.

On it's own I'd agree Lister but when every half-decent racing forum is inundated (relatively speaking) with the same negative comment then at least some momentum is gained. Probably makes little difference in the washup but at least the alternative views are aired.

The 'social media' does go viral regularly as you say but in this specialised industry with it's local issues it would be unlikely that such a thing would occur over anything other than say drugs or animal cruelty issues - things which the average Joe/Jo could understand (or misunderstand as the case may be) and which they might be inclined to spread (remember the cats in bottles hoax a few years back, or the giant desert spiders in Iraq?). Which leaves racing journalists and forums as one of the few options left. I don't want to let the VRC and 7 off the hook but when all is said and done, if 7s carnival coverage is the biggest complaint fans have then things must be pretty sweet.

The last line of your post geelong is exactly what I think.

Just wait for the Olympics. Instead of showing finals it will be an Aussie in some 1st round kayaking heat then a cross to another Aussie in a 1st round Equestrian event.

Then Bruce telling how great it is for 5 aussies to qualify for the 2nd round of gymnastics.


Has Bruce moved to 9 for the Olympics?

Thought 7 had it again. That's good that 9 has it. Hope they aren't as biased and puke worthy as 7.


The points you list are excellent in explaining the situation.

I agree with Mr Lister in that if you know Channel 7 are going to serve dribble don't watch it.

If you post on sites like this one, you normally have an interst in the finer parts of the racing industry and have a much more detailed knowledge of racing than the person Channel 7 is pitching to.

If all you only have free to air TV, you turn the volume down at all times other than the race call.

If you have TVN or Sky or whatever, you still turn the volume down at all times other than the races, trials and mounting yard info etc ie real racing information. All other noise is static.

I have both Sky and TVN and only watch the races and nothing else.

Gee I love racing.



Donegan did the same thing last year with Mosse, He has no idea.

Occaisionally 7 delivers some "speshal golden moments",
Like the year Kav shortened up Donegan, i think it was when Shamoline Warrior was scratched from the Derby,Kav had just trained a winner,i think it was Shocking winning the Lexus, and Donegan was looking for tears and woe from Kav, Kav shortened him right up, it was GOLD!!!!
Donegan loves his book of "One Thousand Racing Cliches", it is sickening drivel.
I didnt hear the Lemaire question, but by god i can imagine it, skin crawling stuff.

On of the great things about the internet (and twitter - not that I follow it) is that clamour can, and has, caused intransigent mgt/companies to back down or off. Widespread venting in forums devoted to a sport is likely to get the attention of people responsible one way or another - much moreso than a quiet well-written letter/email of complaint by a handful of people for example. It's public, and when hundreds of 'punters' see fit to bother to complain then you can be sure it's the tip of the iceberg. Someone will notice - someone paid to monitor the media or, as in this case, a journalist who sees from the amount of noise that there is a story worth pursuing and questions worth asking. One thing that is obvious - if you want continuing bad service then not complaining about it is an excellent strategy.

Why don't they show the full breeding?

Just because the average Joe wouldn't doesn't care doesn't mean that info should just be wiped off the screen.

Not enough sponsorship from big stud farms?

Thats what I was getting at geelong.

This little old forum ain't going to attract much attention but clever use of social media can cause an avalanche of attention.

Facebook pages are a great example of this and a worthy cause can attract 50,000 devotees in next to no time. It's a brilliant way to spread the word and attract valuable attention if intelligently looked after.

The vast majority of complaints have nothing to do with the actual race telecast Lister, as delayed as it was.

And how does that fit in with what I am saying Geelong?

Peter Donegan and Richard freedman are the 2 that stop me from watching channel 7.

I like Simon Marshall and Francesca and I don't mind Bruce either but the other 2 bring them all down.

Lister, what an absurd post saying the ones who get let down are the ones who don't have pay tv.
If you dont have pay tv i would say you arent much of a punter or a fan of racing and would be used to seeing limited vision of racing.
On the other hand we have people who are dedicated punters who rely on getting a pay tv service that they have paid for which includes mounting yard coverage and live vision of a race and we are being deprived of that service during the biggest week of racing in Australia.
Anyone who is satisfied with C7's coverage must be a goose.

Not absurd.

Plenty of people can't afford pay tv or don't have access to it at their workplace.

You don't need to be a serious punter to love and enjoy horse racing.

I agree the whole ch 7 scenario is unpalatable.

Ch 7 make me sick the way they do the broadcast.

I usually go to two or three of the carnival meetings at Flemington so I don't see much of the broadcast. If I am at home I watch all of the build up on TVN and then switch over for the running of the races only.

I agree that those who have pay tv are also badly let down.

I just don't see the point in complaining about the matter on a forum such as this when you know exactly what you are going to get. Hopefully in time it changes but there are better ways to lobby your cause.

As usual, Mr Lister takes the apologist position. When will this uneducated dill, take his own advice and leave the forum??

What really annoys me, and it happens every time a foreign jockey wins the Melbourne Cup, Peter Donegan shoves a microphone in his face after he's dismounted and asks 'How does this win rate with your other career achievements?'

I mean, what does he want the guy to say? 'Oh this is the pinnacle, winning the Japan Cup on Vodka and winning the 1000 & 2000 Guineas and QE Stakes was nothing in comparison to this! And riding Hearts Cry to victory over Deep Impact in the Arima Kinen, well who cares about that! All I've ever wanted in my life is to win a Melbourne Cup and now I've done it!!!!!!'

Donegan seems to think that because every Australian jockeys' dream is to win a Melbourne Cup, the same must apply to all jockeys, no matter where they're from, and he wants to hear them say it.

It makes us look like we have a huge inferiority complex.

Although I subscribe to the Sky stations and TVN I have also endured the Seven telecast like everyone else. I thought I had it solved by waiting to the last minute and then turning the TTV to Seven. Yesterday, I made a fatal mistake and turned toe early. Here was that *mbecile Lonerghan I think his name is, interviewing one of Black Caviar's owners and in this sycophantic tone saying "I know you own the horse,but,but,can we Australians just share her for one moment, it means so much"
This was enough to make one vomit. Sure it is a good horse, but is presently only beating up a bunch of second raters running for second.
Perhaps the VRC might look at he contract again before next spring. We can only hope.

People are funny.

They have Sky and TVN to watch in between races.

They know that Channel 7 fill their telecast with rubbish.

They know when they switch over to watch the race they may be subjected to some of that rubbish.

When all of the above happens exactly as expected, they get on a forum like this and complain.

Use the mute button.

The people that have the legitimate beef are those that don't have access to pay tv for whatever reason. They get let down badly.

VRC Chief Executive Dale Monteith was on Racing Review this morning discussing the the current agreement with 7.

The key points.

1. Seven broadcast is an entertainment coverage not a racing coverage.

2. Current Seven contract about 10 years old (still two years to run).

3. Pay TV has changed the broadcasting landscape considerably in the last 10 years.

4. Seven are not obligated to make any changes to their broadcast or relax restrictions on coverage to Pay TV.

So, it looks as though nothing will be changing for the next few years at least.

"beating up"? - Nolan looked like he was sitting in an armchair!

I wouldn't mind if they showed the margins, winning time and final 600m sectional time. There's room for that data at the bottom of the dividend screen. That would allow a more accurate gauge on the merit (or otherwise) of the performance.

I wouldn't mind if they actually showed the race instead of Deal or no Deal.
What a joke.

Surprised C7 showed horses mating at Darley HQ this morning. Would have been confronting viewing for any new comers at 11:10am.



Does anyone else find that tandoori-tanned Hamish an absolute know-nothing, sleazy crawler? Makes my skin crawl.

Hamish does AFL pretty well. Seven make him do the other stuff.


Ya reckon Nige?! Absolutely useless I reckon - his calls, and his work on the Sunday footy show, are full of jingoistic claptrap.

There are many good aspects to the telecast but from a punter's perspective the broadcast is third rate. If I can't see the horses parade I will often not bet. And the delay is ludicrous. Yesterday watched Lucas Cranach get off the float and listened to Richard Freedman (usually can't stand the bloke but thought he was okay yesterday in the bits I watched) and as a result put LC into my FF selections. The horse looked magnificent and very relaxed. That's the sort of telecast I'm looking for. Speaking of relaxed - Dunaden was so calm he could've been asleep behind the barriers.

I have some sympathy for the broadcasters. There is a lot of dead air in a day at the races. It gets boring when you are there even with normal time gaps between races.

I suppose when you are at the races you can occupy that time usefully by standing in line to go to the toilet or get a drink or have a bet, but think of us at home who can do all that in seconds. Like I say, lots of dead air to fill with something, anything.

How about some proper form analysis instead of that quick pre race tripe.

Talk about sectionals, pace, distance stats anything but b grade celebrities and stupid hats

It's a scab on racing in Victoria (and Australia) that TVN get locked out of the Flemington Carnival every year. Do C7 really think anyone who watches sky and tvn haven't already deserted them long ago for everything but the live call of the race itself?

Wonderful start to Oaks Day. With about 6 or 7 minutes to the first this is what happens.
We see a trackwork piece with one of the fashion presenters, Hamish at David Hayes's property, then they throw to the horse going onto the track in race one, it is a 50-1 chance and it is the only horse we get to see.
Then they throw to almost 5 minutes of ads and then John Letts telling us about Banjo getting kicked and bitten.
Don't worry about the race coming up.
Seriously what is this garbage.

Ch7 coverage of mounting yard = non existent

z grade fashionista's much more important..?

Yes, I have Pay TV Lister and like you I only turn over to watch the races.

My main gripe is I use numerous methods to make a dollar and one of those happens to be betting in-play.

This is not practical during the Flemington Carnival due to the delay on pictures putting players from home at a distinct disadvantage.

The thing that annoys me the most is 7 have gone backwards in this area (the delay has increased noticeably from last year).

What will we get next year?

Barossa Boy, you know why people whinge every year?
Its because it is not good enough you dubbo.

I will ask this question directly to steven80/simon69.

Do you have pay tv?

Thanks guy/s.

Confirmed what I thought.


What a farce this is, anyone who thinks this is a good coverage obviously doesn't bet.
I get to see more mounting yard at Terang than these fools are showing us.
Loved the bee sitting on the flower and discussing that 2 minutes before a race.

Steven I bet, and I mean bet.

I love the Channel 7 coverage. The poms think it is great and so do I.

And they reckon poms whinge. Geez they have a laugh a minute compared to you whingers.

Krapper you must enjoy betting in the dark then if you think C7 are showing you a fraction of what TVN normally shows at a country meeting, let alone one of the major carnivals in the world.
Apparently mediocrity is acceptable to you.
I couldn't care less what the poms think of the coverage, if you have ever been to the UK and seen what they offer on tv and their betting shops and the disgraceful prizemoney, then anything would be an improvement on that, wake up you fool.


The funny thing is that I watched the coverage on UK Racing Channel ATR (At The Races) and on Melbourne Cup day its the only meeting they cover overnight- thus they have two lads in the studio who do their own thing and also cross to the C7 coverage on a regular basis. They allow people to email in with thoughts and opinion and all night (Im not talking two or three emails here- but plenty), the locals were praising the coverage and questioning why we don't get as good a coverage of the local meetings here in the UK. "if the aussies can do it why can't we"

This is ordinary. Is any outlet showing the parade ring ? Not Ch 7 or TVN so far today ??

Good luck to you Steven80.
Games out there brother...


Hahahahahaha Balciano.
A very good pick up there and not a bad point either.

I'm trying to ease off the BC ranting as it upsets a few on here and it's a nice time of year. Hard to not smile and be happy.


Yes i do have pay TV and i still cannot believe the biggest carnival of the year and we get to look at horses sporadically and listen to non punters assessing the form on C7 and watch the close up of hooves and close up of one horse for about 200m.
So thats why i think it is a joke.


Usually enjoy your work mate but if Brett Considine was on Ch 7 I'd reckon you'd be having a bit to say.

btw saw Francesca Cumani on the Cup preview show today analysing the overseas runners - she was tremendous. Thats where her strength is. Great insight.

Have to agree there Iglesia. Always thought Lee was worth listening to as a trainer (not all of them are), and offered interesting and objective thoughts on other people's horses. Bit of a media natural. Now that he has a bit more time on his hands, let's hope we hear more from him.

Oh dear, Khrapper. It looks like your chickens are coming home to roost!

LOL @ Lister

No it wasn't bettowin and the reason I know this is because I have cable at home, I tested the delay with three items, the ch 7 coverage through fox for pictures, the TVN big pond pictures in relation to them on my computer, were only 10-20 secs at most, also the betting timer countdown in the TAB was in roughly in sync with the 7 pictures.
I was punting last minute and it was pretty close.

For reference I have cable at home not satellite. Satellite customers enjoy the up and down link delay, no where near that lag on optic cable.

The final test was when I turned the radio volume up it was very close..somewhere around 15-20 secs behind ch 7. Once I established this I happily watched TVN on big pond, my daughter was able to watch her stuff, so I didn't hijack the tv from anyone.

"Sepoy and Atlantic Jewel are vastly overated. Have a big bet on Bear Hero and Pane In The Glass instead. Also put your house on More Joyous. I have been waiting for this day."

More gold from K8C.

Are you watching Channel 7 through Foxtel? If you watch it through a normal digital or analogue connection it is quite a bit ahead of the signal through Fox.

Congratulations Khaptingly!
Finally a couple of posts that I could empathise with.Keep up the good work.LOL The Pig.

Yep, you've got it in two Betto. Thankfully no Ms Freedman, now if they could drop the other half of the FBI&Ds..... Still miles better than the Ch9 dills headed by the p!sspot Stefanovic.

Why watch rubbish free to air when TVN on big pond live was only on around a 15-20 second delay..?

TVN online was on a bigger delay than 20secs for Melbourne races Quez, they were run and won before they could show the race.

Missing them parade in the first gave a perfect indication of how frustrating their coverage was gunna be. I know they're broadcasting to more than just racing purists but after preventing TVN from showing them parade, they should be showing it themselves. #IhateC7

We are not living in the Dinosaur age!

If TVN and Sky can give me near enough to live pictures why cant 7?

It's not like I'm living on the other side of the world.

At least we saw the horses parading in every race. Won't be the case on Tuesday unless they were given a blast after last year's debacle. Anyone heard if they've done a deal with TVN to cover the parade ring when 7 isn't?

You're a hard man to please Betto. Francesca knows more about the GGs than most of the other presenters combined (some exceptions).

freedman, " i thought green moon was dissapointing"
"i think sepoy is coming to the end of his preperation"
thats why they pay him te big bucks he is a genius


Does anyone else see the irony on Bk's comment?

Good onya Keef.

Keep punching mate.

So mugs like you can't turn down the sound and listen to the radio.

You whingers.

Plus it keeps the money in the pockets of losing punters for 10 secs longer.

Think of your generations past, they never even had TV coverage of races, or even TV at all.

There are far more important things in life than worrying about live TV. Like doing the form for the next race or sick people in hospitals. Fair dinkum !!

"Like doing the form for the next race or sick people in hospitals. Fair dinkum !!"

You're doing sick people in the hospital?! Fair dinkum !!

Do you really do form on sick people in hospitals? Where do they post markets on them?

It keeps the one week a year punters happy enough.

I thought this was going to be a reference to the big black guy with the woman's hat.

Or, Glen Boss doing comedy with Francesca. Maybe I'm just jealous of Bossie because spending a day with her while she tried on outfits would be up there in the "dream jobs" list, but I thought his comedic acting skills made the guys in the Lowes commercials look ready for Shakespeare. :-)

First time I have watched it in ages, wtf have that got the Cumani girl on there?Besides having a nice smile she is a deadset dribbler and offers nothing.

Well Betto they have got Francesca on there cos she offers a lot more than your average screaching, whingeing, giggling, dumb aussie bird.

Fairly easy maths that one.

Plus she knows a bit about the thoroughbred.

Got a copy of the email that Krapper sends out to his clients.
His best advice for his clients today was to lay Atlantic Jewel and Sepoy.

Oh dear, he's really in a rut. LOL

Stop lying Chivas. You don't get my email, no one does, I don't send emails with my tips.

You are getting as bad as tufnel and Manu Fan, dreaming stuff about me.

..............AND you have eight clients!!!

[Nearly forgot the best one of the lot!!]


That's right, khrapper; you don't send emails, you don't use internet banking, and you bet with an illegal bookie.

We believe it all.


Haha ... You know I've got the email Krapper, and I will contine to obtain them.
Anyway, why would I lie? And why would anyone not believe that your advice was to lay two odds-on shots when 90% of your postings here are all about laying odds-on shots?

We're getting both sides of the story now and it's showing a much different result to the one-sided version that you've been peddling all these years.

You've got nowhere to hide anymore, bozo. ROFL!!!

Francesca knows a bit about the throughbred Krapper says.
She left Atlantic Jewel out of the top 2 tips, probably the best filly in 25 years and she couldnt find a spot for her in the tips.
If she isnt bad enough we have Freedman who is a clown , one race they said 15 of the 16 you 'couldnt dismiss', what analysis!

I just don't get why she is there, no idea of Aus form and offered nothing from the yard, as Balciano said

" they put her in an awkward spot asking her to review the runners before each race when she most likely hasn't see them run beforehand"

If she had a head like our PM she wouldn't be sighted.\
Might improve when she gets to talk about the imports on Cup day.

Bettowin, I am sure there is an Aussie bird that could do it, yeh right.

But if there is make sure she is good looking. I am all over these good looking birds.

Finding a good looking Aussie girl that can talk horses ? theres not many left in 21 million.

Very true quezza.

Last year on Oaks Day I had the laptop plugged into the tv and watched TVN on Bigpond video all day.

Yesterday we had TVN on and only flicked over to 7 to watch the races.

I understand some people don't have pay tv at home and have no choice but to watch 7 and that's a pain, but if you do have pay tv there's absolutely no need to complain.

Can I ask those complaining here the question?

Do you have pay tv or are you stuck with having to watch 7.

Agreed Keith, reckon I caught only small portions of the 7 telecast throughout the day but did catch these contradictory gems from Richard.

On the Derby "they're running him (Costly Commitment) because there doesn't look to be a lot of depth. No actually there doesn't look to be a standout. Apart from Manawanui."

On Glass Harmonium "he's a chance in the Cup as you know he'll go at the one bat all day. Though you don't know if he'll stay."

Don't mind Francesca, though they put her in an awkward spot asking her to review the runners before each race when she most likely hasn't see them run beforehand. Still, if I had to choose between listening to her or Big Richie Callendar I know which way I'd be leaning.

The racing's so good though the commentary doesn't really matter. As long as I avoid Sonja Krueger and the Channel 7 marquee and back the odd winner I'll be happy.

I would probably prefer Lee Freedman to Richard Freedman; the latter always seems in a hurry to let you know how smart he is, while the former knows he is but knows he doesn't have to make a show of it and has a quick, wry sense of humour that I like, eg. On the Cox Plate broadcast, Wayne Harris said that Helmet was "as game as Ned Kelly" and (Lee) Freedman replied "We know what happened to Ned!"

God almighty!

Same rubbish threads every year...people with nothing better to do than have a whinge. Try doing something productive like baking a cake today or finding a winner on Tuesday.
Free to Air will always control the greatest racing week of the year.
It's here to stay. Done. Finished. Move on and get on with it.



Was the 55 mins between the 4th and the 5th due to 7 wanting more time to fit in more ads, cross promotion and interviewing of z-grade celebs?

If you are watching the race on TV what's the problem?

Found the coverage to be quite good. Watched Sky and TVN between. Don't see what the big deal is. Good camera angles, exciting finishes with the vocals of the crowd thrown in.

2 thumbs up!


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