The Tutor

Thank You Harry White

The Tutor

Great gesture by an absolutely legend of the game.

Now people will be able to see history from some of the sport's golden years.

Black Caviar + The Big Four

The Tutor

Now it has been more than a week since Black Caviar was "immortalised" by an ABC television show, I would be interested to see if people around my age really think she is in the top five horses Australia has ever seen.

For me, she is not yet. Yet being the key word there.

Has a great record but to be talked about in the same breath as Phar Lap, Tulloch, Kingston Town or Manikato - in my humble opinion - is just not warranted yet.

Yes she is excellent, but it has also been a superb training performance by Moody, not just to have her cherry ripe on her race days but also selecting the races she will contest. This has played a major role in her climbing the ladder as one of the greats and all credit to her connections.

For mine, she needs to win three group ones this spring and probably three more next year, then she can get close to being considered one of the all time greats. If she races and wins a group one in 2013 then she will be right up there.

I am not trying to bring down a medium sized poppy, but gee a lot of people have jumped on (been sucked into?) the bandwagon and have probably forgotten a little bit about what you have to do be labelled an all time great.

I know she can only win as she has been doing, but let's see her do it for a few more seasons yet before we talk about her being rated up there with the four I mentioned earlier.

Age disclosure as I hope others will do (as I believe this is a somewhat important factor and a little bit of experience around the tracks might count because people like me might not fall for the media hype so easily - once again just a humble opinion): 53
Fellow posters.

A question please. I will be spending a number of weeks in Bangkok and would love to have access to Brisbane metro and Gold Coast replays or live races (replays preferable).

I already have the Aus Racing app for iPod but as those of you who use it will know, it does not always carry Bris meetings.

Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated.


John Meagher

The Tutor

I see John Meagher won't be renewing his brief in Singapore.

Anyone know what he will be up to as I don;t see him getting out of the game.

Could he be relocating to Mount Macedon?

Newmarket Lay

The Tutor

I will be laying Starspangledbanner.

I posted here I would be laying him first up as favourite at Flemington and got the money.

I believe the Newmarket will be a stronger field, he'll meet those he beat Saturday worse at the weights. I believe he is a strong risk at Flemington again.

He is on the second line in most markets at the moment.

RIP Georgie

The Tutor

George Hanlon passed today, and what a great shame, but what a great life.

He grew up with nothing in a big family and had to work for everything he has - makes you think about everyone who walks around with their hands out today - and made a huge success of his life.

I had a bit to do with him over the years and he was a great trainer and a flint hard man. He was the boss and things were done his way. He was old school.

He had a lot of success and pulled of more than a few coups.

Another racing legend passes on, may he rest in peace.

My Eyes!

The Tutor

First of all...I love this site and the content it provides. I have been using it for well over 10 years and reckon I am well in front!

I just tried to read the story about the Productivity Council's report into the sport and it took me about five minutes to read the first four pars.

No jokes please about a reading disability, I can read perfectly well.

Now I know nothing is for free and this site has to make a quid, but I counted six boxes across the top and to the right of the screen that were all flashing or had text scrolling.

Any internet marketer will tell you this is how to get people's attention to your ad, but it can be very distracting at times, especially when trying to concentrate on an intricate news story.

I agree it great to get the ad revenue, but do they have to constantly "flash" when trying to read a news story?

Good punting and good reading everyone!

Slipper Day/Derby Day?

The Tutor

I notice the Sydney press today getting right into the Melbourne versus Sydney debate and claiming that Slipper Day is better than derby Day.

Interesting theme to think about.

What say you forumites?

For me it will still be Derby Day at the moment, but the revamped Slipper Day is a race card to behold.

Laws Clause: I live in neither Victoria or New South Wales
A few others on the forum and I are getting a little tired with your personal spat, so please confine it to this thread if you wouldbe so kind.

There's a good couple of chaps.

There have been some great strings totally destroyed recently, so I reckon if you guys share it all here it would make it a lot easier.

I will come back for a look from time to time as some of it is quite funny.

I don't knock your right to contribute, just when it gets personal, keep it to your own very private thread here.


Khap's Cricket Tip 16/1

The Tutor

We won't hold our breath waiting but Khap, you can stand up and be counted and put it right here for us mate.

Before the event and for all to see.

Tell us who will win the cricket on Friday and why and what you estimate the margin will be.

The perfect chance to silence your detractors.

You can throw in a racing tip/lay for Friday (just one will do) as well so we can all get a bank for Saturday.

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