Augusta Proud


Anyone see her gallop yesterday & if so what did they make of it?
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AP ran better than I thought.

In fact it was a super run. Might come out and prove to be another Gold Edition in future?!

Having said that, it also doesn't mean any horse that shows a bit of fortitude physically should be raced into the ground.

If the two yo comp is still going I'll have 90% of what I've got left (about 30k) at the price off 66/1 that SH will arrange for you to get on at LOL.
The balance of 10% can be spent on the boxed tri of AP, Sugar Babe and Sienna's Fury 3% and the balance on the Quinella AP and Sugar Babe.
If that's not allowed just have it all each way on Augusta Proud.

Pack of muppets, now you can see why I don't own horses with money hungry people like you.

I said it 3 times and i'll say it again, she would have been in the paddock after her long campaign and her jarring up.

Special mention goes to you Lister, if you owned her you would have 'given her the chance she deserved' in the Slipper. It would have been a long and expensive ride home with your tail between you legs you pelican.

I like how you say you would have given her the chance she deserved.

I'll tell you what she deserves mate, she deserved to be in a paddock a month ago!

fatjack, you can be as smart as you like on the forum. I offered you 66/1 and you didnt have the balls to take it yet you poked fun at it quite a few times.
Let's get real, she was never a 66/1 shot. She was a 100/1 since her gallop but you muppets have the gall to sit there and say I 'have no idea'


All I can say is you signed off correctly;

66/1, good on ya

i don't see how people could compare a regular magic millions to this years, run almost three months later.

it's a different set of youngsters than you would normally get, and I'd venture to say this years may turn out quite strong.

i like sugar babe - forget the magic millions from the gate, she's a slow track winner already and will be good odds.

I think a good argument can be made that the MM was the highest rating 2yo race of the season, so far. I can't prove that, and I probably can't test it, because I suspect AP is ott, I did see the trial, and She's Meaner may be screwed, with the wet track and the barrier.


One interesting point this year about the MM's is that it is one of the few races where the winner broke 1.10 for 1200m. In recent years a lot of horses get below 1.10 or 70 seconds whichever you like prior to the GS.

I have been a fan of She's Meaner so I am making this comment in regard to She's Meaner's chances. I think AP is over the top.



Thanks also Timesman


Gee I hate it when you give out a crucial fact to picking a winner.

Kidding good man...

This year's 2YO MM is a VERY good form guide!

Night Flight

Hands, she also beat She's Meaner and Black Minx.

Vienesse has since won as well.

I am not saying AP will win the Slipper, but it deserves its place in the field, especially when considering the form of Sugar Babe and She's Meaner. They only get one crack at this, I say go for it.

Augusta Proud's ultimate grand final was the G.C Magic Millions. Being that she hadn't been nominated for the Slipper, she was at her maximum peak last start.

I admit that I am no horse trainer but this is a classic case of a horse being run into the ground. An absolute 2yo slaughter. Also take into account the travel she has done.

The well publicised exhibition gallop was a tell-tale story that she's done too much.

She's been too overcooked to come back as a 3yo.

i know one of the part owners, who is having the ride of his life.

His $5000 outlay (10 per cent) has so far returned over $150,000, not including the value of the horse.

But with another $3.5 million on the table, with a horse yet to be beaten and already surpassing all expectations, you could understand pressing ahead if she's okay.

If she wins this, or maybe even goes close, she's probably two-year-old of the year. maybe it would be crazy to stop now just because everyone else thinks trainers push two-year-olds too hard.

can she win? who knows

should she run? why the hell not

I think you are drawing a long bow seventhheaven with your comment "you are just like all owners which is money hungry, impatient fools who have to burn their 2YO's and leave nothing for the future".
As a owner of racehorses over a long period of time this remark has very little truth attached to it. Before you bundle us all into the money hungry category there is plenty of horse owners out here who have a geniune love for their horses and do everything in their power to give them long and healthy lives.


Track gallops are mostly rubbish.

Murphy's Blu Boy worked better than any 2yo in history just days before he was run down by Hammerbeam.

Cynicism is not a virtue of mine, but what price would Augusta Proud be if not for the 'media reports' of unsoundness and the race day track gallop where she was ridden upside down?

Makes you think doesn't it?

Night Flight

Night Flight,

What on god's earth are you on about dear man?


Are you serious? You must be taking the urine surely!

What do you think they do in trackwork mate? Do you think they work with 15 other horses and position her as she would in a race?

They work solo or with ONE partner mate.


Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious and now for your information...

Augusta Proud has a particular pattern to the way she works with a 'mate' and that normal pattern was not on show at Rosehill, Saturday last.

If you want further fact this on this matter, podcast Leon MacDonald's interview on 2KY this morning.

Night Flight

I do rate Shes Meaner, thought she had a great chance in MM and was run down by Augusta Proud.

Since then the trainer has been in two minds about running AP after the MM.

But my mind is made up after watching the trackwork effort. It was terrible trackwork. Really don't understand why trainer, jockey, & owners are ignoring that piece of work (OK OK, its the money..).

I'd rather back something else that's got form and soundness.

Im thinking for the connections to pay $150k late fee.... i think everything must be OK and as her sire suggest, is 'more than ready'. drawn the barrier and yet to taste defeat. In it for a long way.

I reckon she has a great chance and will be backing her along with Portillo.

It is an enormous feat to get a horse to qualify for this race and anyone that has a horse who is capable of qualifying would be stupid not to run in it.
Most of the time luck plays a very big hand in these types of races so you have to have a go and the rewards can be very big in years to come if you can win it.

Luck always plays a part in the GS, but it is mostly bad luck. The only luck that most winners get is the misfortune of some of their competitors.

Seventh, you could have told us two weeks ago, how she went in a track gallop on the weekend.

You are good.

Grow up silly person.

I did tell you two weeks ago fool with my thread titled AUGUSTA SOUND.

As for your Lister McDonald.
We shall see how smart you are after the weekend when she runs down the track.

By all reports, not a great gallop. Struggled to get near a 5 yo maiden in the gallop, and wobbled around the turn.

A few have gone off her totally after that track gallop.

Duh, you dont say, I could have told you that two weeks ago.

Money hungry owners/trainer.

Another trainer you have issue with Ribby. What's going on mate? Don't you realise that they are bred to be race horses and as such, race horses are actually raced. If I was an owner and had one good enough to get into a Slipper field I'd be running her.

Ribby old boy, I never once commented on where she will finish on Saturday. I won't be backing her and I have already put my thoughts on the race out there.

I was commenting on the owners and their right to run the horse in the Slipper. It is a near impossible task to qualify a runner so good luck to them.

You are just another internet junky that wouldn't know the first thing about racehorse ownership, racehorse training, actually the industry in general. That's why you are on here spouting off and trying to be an expert rather than doing it all yourself.

Yeh good one pea-brain.

Doesn't matter how long she has been in work or the fact that she couldn't get past a maiden in her gallop or that she jarred up after last start.
She will get a run so that means they should run her.
Proof will be in the pudding how stupid the decision was.
And don't try and step-toe around the issue when she does get beaten by claiming that you aren't predicting where she will finish.
The fact is you have just stated if she was yours you would run her.
I dare say that indicates you would think she had some sort of chance.
No one runs a horse just because they are qualified to run in a race.
You are just one of many of the 'new-age' owners that are greedy, have no patience and have to take on everything that is put in front of them for the fun of it.
This horse could actually go on next preperation and do the state of SA proud.
Instead she is going to just be another for the pile of burnt out Slipper 2yo's

Doesn't matter how long she has been in work or the fact that she couldn't get past a maiden in her gallop"

Yet again Ribby you are using mistruths to back up your argument. By all means have an opinion but don't make things up to help your cause.
I won't be backing her because I don't back horses that have had setbacks, but the trainer believes she has recovered and is fine, therefore they have every right to run her. For the record, I reckon she has no chance. No stepping around anything.

You really are weak Lister.

One of your posts says - If I was an owner and had one good enough to get into a Slipper field I'd be running her.

Now you come on here and tell me that you think the horse has no chance.

So you are basically saying if you owned Augusta Proud you would run her for the sake of having a horse in the Slipper you tool.

And please point out any mistruth in my last post and stop your dribble.

"Doesn't matter how long she has been in work or the fact that she couldn't get past a maiden in her gallop"

There is the mistruth Ribby. The horse she galloped with WAS NOT A MAIDEN. Clear enough for you? Just like when you told us the McDonalds stuffed Swish Trish, even though Freedman had her.

Being good enough to get into a Slipper and being good enough to win it are different things Ribby. If I had a horse that was good enough to make the field of course I would run her. Do you think Jim Cerchi thought Dandy Andy was good enough to beat Bonecrusher in the Australian Cup? I doubt it, but as the man himself said after the race, "I was hoping, and while you're hoping you're a chance."
If every owner that had a horse that was perceived as having no chance opted out, racing wouldn't be very interesting. Just look at what Tears I Cry did in the Spring.

If you own a horse that qualifies and makes the field you give it the chance and hope like hell it can be in the finish. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity.
The only reason I say she can't win is because she has had a setback and you need everything on song to win the Slipper. All things being equal, she is clearly good enough and the owners obviously think so.

Getting back to Augusta Proud's chances, notwithstanding that she's unbeaten in fair to middling races, why is the MM a worthy scalp? In living memory (and I haven't researched this) only Dance Hero was a worthy graduate and he established his creds in major Sydney leadups anyway. Why should anyone buy into restricted race form?

Who's she beaten? Sugar Babe from an awful gate and Shadrach a hundred times.....sorry, I'm trying to evaluate the hype.....convince me.

I'll take the 66/1 too if I can.

Regardless whether you think she can win or not, offering 66/1 is basically engaging in a "who's appendage is bigger" contest.

You win seventhheaven you flip.

If you had researched the MMs then you'd find that apart from Dance Hero other notable winners were:

Regimental Gal
Assertive Lad
Testa Rossa
General Nediym
Brave Warrior
Clan O'Sullivan
St Jude

This year’s field was far from ordinary with winners from four states lining up including at least four unbeaten gallopers in Augusta Proud (5), She’s Meaner (3), Black Minx (3) and High Roll’n Woman (3).
Given that we’re talking two year olds who’ve only had a handful of starts at this stage of their careers, I see the MM as being as good a guide to a horse's potential as any of the other high profile races.
The above list of past winners endorses this view.

Winning form is good form and 6 from 6 in two states is hard to argue against.

That was a good response Count. I had not realised that such a quality list of horses had come out of the MM over the years.
Bearing that in mind, the form Augusta Proud had shown before her setback, the time they ran and the fact that one of my choices in Striper has also had a setback, I am now giving serious consideration to She's Meaner.

Testa Rossa won the Magic Millions and graduated to be a far better horse than Dance Hero as a 3 and 4yo.

Lister, Count, saintly

I'm asking the question and I'm getting the kind of response I'm hoping for, good stuff guys. I'm not convinced she's the one but I'm certainly looking more closely. Thanks for that.



fergz - you are spot on the money. Ive been trying to make the same point you just made for the last 2 weeks and no-one listens. People run 2yo's into the ground these days. It's just greed.

percy1 - I'll offer 66/1 for Augusta Proud.
Send details to my inbox.

If I thought you could pay I'd be happy to have $500ew with you at 8/1 but I doubt you've got enough to get you cab fare to the races.

I'm surprised you haven't been barred from this site already because a couple of things you've said to date have been as close to libellous as you could get.

You obviously don't know anything about racing, as an owner I'd certainly be giving AP her chance tomorrow she'll have the next 3 months to rest up after an absolutely wonderful campaign that has been very well managed.

I expect She's Meaner to lead, and had she not drawn the 13 gate I'd be looking at her a lot more closely.
She'll need to do some work early to cross to the fence and Sebring will not give her any peace up front, setting the race up for the swoopers over the last 250m.
Augusta Proud showed in the MM that she can handle the reverse way of going and she also showed in no uncertain terms that she knows how to finish off a race.

If the leaders are within range halfway down the straight then I'd expect her to reel them in, whether she can handle the wet, who knows, but the wet conditions won't stop me backing her.

fatjack, read my posts pelican.

I never said anything about giving a 2yo a chance in a big race.

My beef was with owners that have a horse that has peaked to win an Adelaide MM's, travelled to QLD and won a Gold Coast MM's, jarred up, galloped fairly and then is meant to be an 8/1 shot in a Golden Slipper.

I'm raising the point about burning two-year olds out.

This will be one occasion.

She will fail on Saturday and won't show any form again.

I'll take your bet now - 66/1

7th heaven,

You sound like a 2 year old that's had the runs too many times.


Do you have another one of those t-shirts or sandwich boards to hand out?

Seems a very likely candidate has come along...

Night Flight

Just thinking about how simple you are compels me to get back on here and point out to you how much of a monkey you are. .

Where do you see me discouraging owners that have a horse that on face value, seems to be an outside chance in a Group 1 event?

You miss the whole point of my argument which is people ruining 2 year olds.

My argument was based around the facts which are, that the horse won an Adelaide Magic Millions, had to travel to QLD and peak again to run in a QLD Magic Millions, then jarred up, was all but in the paddock, then was given time to 'recover' and is now meant to be an $11 chance in a Golden Slipper.


And what is even funnier is that you haven't even got the balls to admit that after two weeks of saying YOU would run a 2YO in the race if you had one good enough to qualify, when she fails you are going to try and side-step the issue by saying . . . .

Oh, I didn't think Augusta Proud had much of a chance anyway.



After all Augusta Proud has been through this preperation would you run her in the Golden Slipper?


Grow some effing balls and say YES OR NO.

And If the horse gets beaten be man enough to cop the egg on your face which will inturn show that you are just like all owners these days, which is money hungry, impatient fools who have to burn their 2YO's and leave nothing for the future.

YES OR NO is all I ask. I don't want to hear your other dribble

Seventh Heaven are you mentally stable? What are you getting so worked up about its not like its your horse that they are making decisions about?

Arsseholes and opinions, too many of the former have got the later.

Are you being serious Seventh? A bit over the top mate. Personally, if Augusta was mine, I'd race her. As Mr Lister said earlier, I'd run her for sure. In fact, I'd warm her up in the BMW.

Um . . . .

Find me the newspaper article that said Dandy Andy or Tears I Cry jarred up at their previous start before they respective Group 1 victories?

And apart from all those facts Dandy Andy nor Tears I Cry are 2 year olds in their first preperations.

You seem to be missing the whole, entire point of my argument.

The entire point of your argument is that youre a halfwit with very little idea. No wonder you change your name every 30 seconds.

Ah. Name calling and abuse. The sign of the unintelligent with nothing to solidly support their viewpoint.

I never ever said that I thought Augusta Proud never had much of a chance anyway. You made that up.

I'm saying that if the owners think she is right and good enough to win then good luck to them. If she had had an uninterrupted campaign I'd be looking at her, but due to the fact she hasn't, I don't reckon she can win. It's that simple. If she wins, I'll cop it and praise them for having a crack. If she loses, I won't be jumping on here to say I told you so like I know you will.

Have a look at the Melbourne Cup and the Golden Slipper each year and then tell me that every owner that has a horse in the race believes that they can win.
I recently had a horse run in a race at Moonee Valley on a Friday night. The race contained an absolute hotpot called De Ja View, who duly saluted and quite easily. We didn't think we had a chance of beating him home but we still ran in the race and ran quite well. They do pay prizemoney down to 4th in midweekers and 5th on saturdays mate, and in races like the Melbourne Cup and Golden Slipper they pay down to about 10th. Plenty of owners run horses in races they think they can't win, but hoping is part of the racing dream and my examples of Dandy Andy and Tears I Cry were proof that the unexpected does happen sometimes. Even in the big races.

Here is your answer mate. If I had a horse that had qualified and made the Slipper field I would run it, whether I thought it could win or not. It's a resounding YES. Strange things happen in racing and the chance at maybe getting some black type for a filly are there as well.

You keep going beserk, printing in capital letters for effect and chucking the abuse around. Maybe even try changing your name again a few more times. I'll stick to what I know about owning horses. You have obviously never owned a horse so I will treat you as ignorant in the matter.

Ok, I've been answered. You would run a 2YO in the slipper even if you thought it had no chance.

You have confirmed you are a pelican.


What price are you willing to offer?

and secondly

Have you ever owned a horse?

Is that your best Ribby?

I think night flight is right. You need to get one of those signs and wear it around so everyone can steer clear of you. "I'm stupid" in big bold letters for all to see.

The last bloke that was asked to wear one has all but disappeared. Speedy gunpunter or something was his name. Seems you two have a lot in common. Stupidity and several names on this forum being but a couple.

Now go on, where's your sign.

I backed She’s Meaner in the MM at the Gold Coast and thought she was home and hosed at the 200m, even at the 100m I thought nothing could run her down, but Augusta Proud did run her down, and got her on the line. Since the MM I’ve been waiting for the barrier draw for the Golden Slipper to see where these two draw, as this is where the race can be won and lost.
Augusta Proud from the 1 gate looks an outstanding chance whereas She’s Meaner from 13 will have to be fired up to cross to the fence if she wants the lead, and she will want it. The brilliant Sebring might want it too, and from gate 6 he will get it easily but might find himself in a speed duel up front with She’s Meaner when she crosses from wider out.
I feel that Sebring's and She’s Meaner's blistering pace will see them running 1 & 2 to the 250m with Augusta Proud at this point running no worse than 5th and about to chase down the leading pair, All American will be charging home late from well back in the field.
At the post it will be Augusta Proud from the fast finishing All American with Sebring, She’s Meaner and Over The Wicket fighting out 3rd.
Augusta Proud won me over on MM day, she won that race like a horse who wanted to win, and all I was hoping for come Slipper day was a decent barrier, and she got it.
As for Leon Macdonald, well, he’s been around long enough to know whether he has a horse good enough to win the GS, and he’s also been around long enough to know you don’t run horses in ANY race unless they’re 100% fit, and finally, he also knows you don’t pay $150,000 to get a horse into a race unless you’re 100% confident.

I reckon she's the one they all have to beat.

wats effing?


The horse who beat Augusta Proud was not a maiden, it has had two wins and nine placings in fourteen career starts. Still an ordinary gallop by Augusta Proud though.

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